
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:48:31
什么是公共文明指数如题 第三人称造句 在社会中如何生存 最重要的是什么最近了解到要想真正的随心所欲就要 做这个世界的权贵或者是新阶层 可是要怎么去做呢是 学历吗 Year __ year,all the months fly by.介词填空请帮忙 在公共场上要注意的文明礼貌有哪些 要英语回答 越多越好 It was in the supermarket that i bought the computer.为什么用that而不用其它的呢?而且这个句子是定语从句吗,同志们,急用 i bought many apples in the supermarket.(in the supermarket划线提问) .always...造句 stay with me tonight怎么读 社会上怎么样才能做到最好的为人处事? 如今社会应该怎么做人? 我是女孩子,12岁了,乳房应该发育成甚么样啊? If only I __about his coming,I would have met him at the station.A.had known B.knew二选一 I would have argued with him about the matter ___an opportunity of meeting.选项:a.if I have had b.if I had c.had I had d.should I have 一架航空模型需要多少个电动马达来提供动力 例如在空中上升 俯冲 转向 和翻滚等我对航模很感兴趣,但对这方面的了解知之甚少,模型在空中转向或翻滚到底是靠哪里来提供动力,又是怎么样 ”难道”在英语语法中怎么表示 我的英语语法每次用的时候都搞混,怎么办啊 帮我看一下这些英语语法和表述有什么错误?1 Vegetables contain a variety of vitamins,these vitamins are the essential to the maintain life.While the meat has fat which causes many disease.2 The free time at noon is short,but in the ev 表示数量的英语语法twin engine,twin enginestwin 加一个名词,表示两个什么的,这个时候名词到底用单数还是复数? You'll find this map of great___in helping you to get around London.A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness请说明理由 why cellphone is the most important in our life?用英文回答,2个理由即可. 22、—Mr.Zhu,would mind if I asked you a few questions about the coming school culture and art festival?—_____Go ahead.A:Yes,please.B:Not at all.C:No,please don’t.D:Yes,I don’t.按照要求回答下列问题,【考查知识点】【 找规律 IQ题 急呀丫丫丫①978675( )请写出()处的数字②1827( )请写出()处的数字③653717()请写出()处的数字 求翻译和讲解.I was to have met him at the station,but he didn't come. 谁能把它改成被动语态:Someone met us at the airport. I met him at ____.a.doctor b.farmer c.the farmer d.the doctor's 英语翻译十分够么?不够再加. 《第一次煎鸡蛋》怎样结尾 今天就要 煎鸡蛋八个过程只要八个过程 妈妈做早饭的过程及时间:洗锅(1分钟)淘米(2分钟) 熬粥(20分钟)煎鸡蛋(5分钟) 拌小菜(5分钟) 盛粥(1分钟)妈妈做这顿饭至少需要(?)分钟。 Don't play baskball in the stree.(用can't改写句子) “落后”英语怎写?同上