
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:44:32
what do you do for Thanksgiving Day?同义句 what's today ,what's the day ,what's the day today 后两句有什么区别?what's today what's the day what's the day today 这三句话各是什么意思,后两句有什么区别? what do you do on thanksgiving 英语翻译John and I (have been) firendsfor eight years.We got to know each other at a Christmas party. (急)2首白居易诗+300字读后感求2首白居易+300字读后感读后感要包括2首诗 请问这些单词后面为什么要加s?Which seasons do you like best?seasons后面加s是因为季节的复数.The days are long and the nights are short.days和nights后面加s是因为日子和夜晚的复数.The sun rises early and sets late.ri 求《春水》中《纸船——寄母亲》一诗的读后感,300字左右,1分钟内答上来追加悬赏30分 2012年11月3日sat答案进团2467~21~69大家都是考生 进群24672169~ 服装厂加工一批衣服,第一个星期加工了这批衣服总件数的1/4,第二个星期加工了290件,两个星期加工的件数占这批衣服的3/7.这批衣服共有多少件? 怎样使123=1,1234=1,12345=1 你那个外教的朋友还需要外教工作吗? ”乐趣”近意词是?句子是这样的:..........生活中的一件乐趣. She _________(not want )_________(be )late 英语翻译york是服装的前胸部分,pique 可以不译,是一种布料. 英语翻译翻译器勿扰 honestly speaking she not do want to late with you does she want to be a farmer?(保持原句意思) Where is my cup?There is one over there.It may be( ) A.mine B.his C.yours 30.We ________in the neighborhood.A.happened being B.happened be C happened to be D.are happen请讲的详细点 two birds in the tree make love everyday后面是什么?two birds in the tree make love everyday后面还有么? 黄梅戏天仙配的调子.开头两句two birds in the tree,make love every day.后面的是什么. two birds in the tree .i love you .you love me请把歌词给我 I want to the shoestore ——the south gate横线中选择:on in at with 填上合适的词语,体会{的}{地}{得}()()的歌声()()的建筑()()地过去()()地述说()()得笑起来()()得喘不过气()()得()() 1.什么是效率和公平?谈谈你的理解 温暖正义词是什么 思,在百草园中最后一段好在哪?思,在百草园;在前进的大路上…… 就是此句.说的具体点. 思,在百草园第4段第3句描写百草园的草,先写它的【 】,进而写它的【 】和给人的【 】.它象征的是【】. 形容自己才疏学浅的诗句 本人才疏学浅看不懂.请高手指教.monitor progarm has been fonud running in your system.please,unload it from memory and restart your progarm.另一个是;An error occurred running kartrider.please ,restart the game after you exit the unnec 英语翻译Skylights may be used in a short shell and they may be continuous transversely if they are placed in every other span so the shell on each side of the skylight cantilevers out from the adjacent span.Rigid frames are usually built with tie 么你可