
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 03:10:18
had(过去式)后面的chat要用过去式吗?为什么.They sat down under a big tree and 【 】a 【 】 (chat ).根据所给单词填空 改为同义句 She didn't feel like eating anything yesterday.she ()()eat nothing yesterday 战争会使无数无辜的平民丧失生命的英文翻译 chat的过去式是什么 打开问题,看问题补充. 英语 完成对话A:Good morning,Linda.B:Good_,Lucy.A:It's a very nice day,_it?B:Yes,it is.A:Did you see the accident yesterday morning?B:Yes.I was_past the corner near the shop when the accident_.A:It was_really danger “'伟大'这个词在这本书面前也显得渺小 ” 的英文翻译是什么? 起于凡而非凡 英文翻译 根据下文提示,完成下列对话.1.A:______________________________B:I was at the bus stop this morning.2.A:_______________________________B:They were at the fair yesterday.3.A:_______________________________B:I was cleaning the room.4.A:___ 完成下列对话(英语题目) 请根据下文的英语提示写英语对话You are at a movie and you can't stand the violence.Try to convince your partner to leave the movie because you don't like it.要求:写一篇2~3人的英语对话,不得少于十句.注意:截止日 英语一大作文,大家有背过类似话题的吗?如题所示~背的是哪个作文书上的? 要怎么背一大段一大段的英语文章,一想到明天要默写,我就真心的想死、 判断.英语好的来!()1.I'm going to climb a mountain.I must判断.英语好的来!()1.I'm going to climb a mountain.I must wear my sports shoes.()2.I'm the winner.I'm very sad.()3.It's very hot.I'm going to wear my sweater. 考研英语一大作文写文明出行可以吗2011年英语一作文写的文明出行,考江苏,能给多少分 我老是背课文后一直都忘了内容了啊,谁可以帮我下,怎样可以有效的提高记忆力啊? 孩子每次背课文要背很久才能记得住,怎么提高记忆力?孩子每次背课文要背很久才能记得住,他是很努力的,没有偷懒,我想应该是记忆力的问题,怎么能提高记忆力 世界上哪些动植物已经灭绝? 我现在上初中,要写一篇回忆小学老师的文章.内容都有了、就差个题目.谁能帮我想一个好一点的题目.. 怎样提高记忆力,让自己快速背下课文?有没有关于记忆的书啊 Do you like the coat _____ (hang) on the wall? take a class的同义词take a class的同义词及其用法 Can you ( )a picture on the wall? 据二千年来的统计,有几种兽类和几种鸟类已经从地球上消失了.全世界有几种动植物也面临着灭绝的危险? I don't like the picture on the wall.该句中“on the wall”理解为后置定语合适还是状语较好? 世界频临灭绝的动植物前十名?3Q the,do,like,my,you,family,photo,of怎么排 怎样才能快点背课文,而且不忘 一篇my winter vacation谁敢抄袭I had a happy winter vacation.In the vacation I went to panda base with my parents.There were many giant pandas and lesser pandas.I saw three baby pandas drank milk by themselves.Every one of them had a milk bottle 你翻译一下句子的中文再来看一下, ----!I will give you asurprise!A support.B Supporting I C.Support I.D.Supports me give you support和give your support有什么不同?support是不是既可以是名词也可以是动词?还有give you support和give your support是不是都成立? 目前世界上濒临绝种的动植物,举几样介绍他们的珍贵作用!要最新的,我写作文要用的材料,速度点```我赶急,明天就要交作文了.求求各位叔叔阿姨哥哥姐姐爷爷奶奶了!