
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 00:34:56
什么是采耳?采耳有什么好处? 发票 德语怎么说 拼写及发音 klose德语发音怎么读,最好用汉字或拼音告诉我 妈妈说的话怎么写 He asked me whether I____(know)his sister Know前面要不要加would 为什么? 含近义的词语有哪些 单句改错:He just wanted to tell us when would he leave. 互为近义的词语有哪些? 东圃哪有学bec商务英语的想知道东圃哪有教bec商务英语的 英语翻译I tell a story to you.Once,there is a princess,shi liked to go to a young fellow who do odds and ends in the palace.That young fellow likes the princess.But they can't bo together.Because the princess is about to be married at Once.Get ma “活塞”,的德语.请拼写,用德语哦.要听起来有点类似于汉语谐音的“活塞”的那个单词.它的意思也是“活塞”的意思.一个德国人告诉我他的邮箱地址,前面一截的发音类似谐音的“活塞”. 德文中的"爱"字的拼写一定要准确 改错:He told me he would come back after a month. ______ that she was going off to sleep,I asked if she'd like that little d______ that she was going off to sleep,I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.A.Seeing B.To see C.See D.Seen请问A为什么对,请问B表将来为什么不可以, She was so tired that she _____________(go to sleep) soon.Why are you so happy?I___________(choose) to be the host of the fashion show.说明原因! seeing that she was going off to sleep,i asked if she'd like that little doll on her bal 翻译 Alice was so n___about her exams that she couldn't sleep. 英语翻译On what information should we focus?Concept:Theeconomic value of a payment stream on a particular date (focal date) refers to a singleamount that is an economic substitute forthe payment stream.Therefore,weneed to choose a focal date,and 新加坡为什么讲汉语我想问问新加坡为什么有部分人讲汉语?他们跟我们中国有什么关系吗? 为什么新加坡国语既不是华语也不是英语,而是10%左右的马来人的马来语作为法定国语?要知道马来亚那里在文化政治狂打压华人,可新加坡是华人主体国家啊.是不是因为马来人是原住民?可华 新加坡可以说中文吗 Singapore中文 success the asked journalist Tom secret his our about of 连词成句 有八一中学初一十二班的吗2011届 情人节送女朋友巧克力,花,贺卡该怎么 我来自温江中学初一十二班,用英语怎么说 我是树人中学的一名学生,我在初一三班”用英语怎么说啊? 作文 深藏心底的烦恼 作文 心中的烦恼 写什么东西好呢 要 《心中的烦恼》作文,我到底该怎么做了才能换回他的心 根据《建筑法》规定,下列说法正确的是( ).为什么选B,D哪里错了A.总承包单位可以将所承揽的工程转包给他人B.建设单位可以直接要求分承包商承担分承包工程的质量责任C.有的分承包商 选择:下列说法错误的是( )选择:下列说法错误的是( )A.若仓库运进货物5t记作-5t,那么运出货物5t记作-5t B.0既不是正数也不是负数 C.0是自然数,也是整数,也是有理数 D.一个有理数不是正