
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:23:39
I'll give you my friend's adress,____I can be reached most evenings.请问凭您的多年经验,这个空应填什么,整句话怎么理解,句子是状语从句吗,最要紧的是句子什么意思 I'll give you my friend's home address,____ I can be reached most evenings.这题reach sorry,I don`t know.= sorry,I have__ __ I would like yo have a talk with you at tea break. Sorry ? Have what with me ?为什么用sorry ? -Tommy do you know if Frank —— to the theatre with us this sunday if it——?-Sorry I have no ideA.will go;is fine B.goes ;is fine C.will go;is going to be fine D.goes;will be fine If you someone to respect you ,you must have knowledge是什么意思 we must have someone repair the computer.have能换成let吗 that lastest car must have cost you a pretty penny ,oh no_a it didn't b it mustn't c it hasn't d it must haven't求详解106.43(与题无关) I want___(eat) some oranges and apples.I want ____(eat) some oranges and apples.还有They're _____ (water) the trees with ____ (watre).His grandmother gas many ____ (chincken) on the farm.My little sister _____ (like) meat very much.Look,the eat is 中学运动会入场口号(初二),最好是英文的,中英文对照最好不过了.不过中文的也可以,马上要开运动会了,我们班还没有合适的口号,我们班是英语班.应该用什么最好? 我们像是两种不同的气流截然不同却交错旋转着从世界的南北极而来汇聚在这的空气里这一刻,痛彻心扉的感觉惨烈得让人不想承认似乎心脏的每一次跳动都在诠释着这个事实 can you give me some mony l want to buy some apples in a shop Have you ever helped ____you didn't know?A.someoneB.anyone.Which one to choose? Have you ever helpd someone you didn’t know?是什么意思 急 Have you ever helped disabled children?把have换成did有影响吗?为什么是helped呢? 英语翻译Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble—and was he?Have you ever dreamed something that came true later?Maybe you have ESP (超感觉知觉).ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception.It may be called a sixt have you ever done something to change someone's life帮我找一下这篇文章,急等,谢谢(∩_∩) 孔子语录中,对待事物应具有的正确态度的句子是 孔子的认真态度的有关句子 交通歌谣过马路左右看,翻栏杆()括号内添反义词该添什么就像左右看中的左右一样 ..They want to _____ some presents for Mary.What _____doyou play at school?His chair is in _____ _____(three) room._____ ______(two)month of the year is ______.____is ____ _____(one) month of the year.—What is the month between _____ and _____? 面对两小儿辩日孔子为什么不能决也? 《两小儿辩日》中的孔子不能决也说明了什么?你认为孔子的态度是否可取?为什么?我正需要, 两小儿辩日中你是怎样看待孔子不能决也的 分析有些人在过马路时出现的翻越隔离栏的现象.你对此有何看法?在设计工作中有何启示.这是人体工程学的问题,能解释得清楚点吗(分点回答) 新概念英语一册(新版)练习册第49课~第50课答案 藏羚羊过马路 作者看它们过马路时内心想法的句子!急哦!给分 孔子从齐回鲁的具体时间? 班级口号165班.英语的最好 有关孔夫子的对联有横幅啊 结合论语八则写出孔子的话对你学习有哪些指导意义 赞扬孔子的对联圣人功德_______________,________________精华照五洲.残缺的部分添什么啊.