
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:37:39
这本书太难了,孩子们读不懂.The book is ____ difficult ____children to read. 圆的外切问题,半径为2和1的圆E与圆F外切 于点P,EA与圆F相切,AB为圆F的直径,连接EB交圆E于点C,交圆F于点D,求CD+3PD的值 两圆(x-a)2+y2=1和x2+(y-b)2=1的外切条件是 如何证两圆外切 两圆外切,如何画与这两个圆都外切的圆? 圆外切正三角形圆在三角形外还是在三角形内. city和lady的复数是什么 将2句简单句改成带定语的复合句I received an invitation.It is from my best friend. 选择词This book is () for a seven-year-old child to readA:too much difficult,B:too more difficult,C:much too difficult ,D:more too difficult “放轻松”的英文怎么说?如题. 有首歌歌词“放轻松,放轻松……”好像不是李亚明的,歌词不太清楚了,好像“……心灵的风……我要一片天……潇潇洒洒的鹰…………”歌词可能不太对,这是首挺活泼的歌,蛮好听,就是找不 中翻译英“使自己放轻松” what kind of store is she going to New York is ideal for this study because _______high-rise buildingsa there is plenty of b of the number of c it has plenty d the number 好像前三个都可以 New York is ideal for this study because ______ high-rise buidings.A)there is plenty of B)of the number of C)it has plenty D)the number (新概念英语)New York is idea for this study because ( )high-rise buildings.A:there is plenty of B:of the number of C:it has plenty D:the number 英语翻译1.活动矩阵TFT液晶2.定位象素3.可视角度 +/- 85°竖直 +/- 85°水平4.背亮5.水平扫描6.竖直扫描7.机箱 塔式 45.0Cm8.对角线19英寸 英语翻译这是本本的一部分电源连主板,按在内存卡槽的背面和内存卡槽相连。 放轻松 英语Take it easy..这样用对么~ 你好,你可以放轻松!用英文怎么说? 怎样理解what will the environment be like at this job?这句话 简单德语语法.用第二人称单数命令式来表达:慢点说!是 Sprich langsam!还是 Sprichst langsam! 奇妙的梦 好词好句 Why not come over at the weekend My family ___ seeing you again A enjoyed B would enjoy C will enj why not come over at the weekend?My family (would enjoy) seeing you again.为什么用would 不用will? Why not come over at the weekend?My family_____ Seeing you again.A.enjoyed ...Why not come over at the weekend?My family_____ Seeing you again.A.enjoyed B.should enjoy C.will enjoy D.have enjoyed Why not come over at the weekend? My family_______(enjoy) seeing you again why not come over at the weekend my family -- seeing you agin. 想给孩子找个补英语的地方,急!我家是沈阳的,孩子今年都五年级了,但是英语学的不怎么样,说也不行写也不行,哪有好一点的教英语的地方啊?最好是能以交流为主那样的,小孩能有兴趣听的. freak 来看freak out用法总结 区分 的 得 地 的用法有什么现实意义吗?我觉得中文的强大就在于一种“简单”,简单的没有什么语法标记,比如没有什么时态标记,单复数标记,语态标记等等.但丝毫不影响汉语表达的精确性和 to which 什么意思 有什么用法 谢谢