
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 13:31:08
chinese language blog should NOT have taken the Chinese Language subject in this test 是不要选中文作答还是什么意思? 销售队伍是sales team or selling team?管理队伍是 management team or administrant team?怎么区分啊?why??? If you climb moutains tomorrow,you find some peoples ZEN怎么样 zen伤,zen四声,怎么写? sales manager. Describe the sales manager'responsibilities and experience..use English.用英语描述下销售经理的资格 所具备的条件 或者经验.可以用的 20世纪实验音乐的发展,表演形式以及内容,欧洲音乐史试题 英语翻译J:jocund以欢乐出发的孩子U:unprecedented是一束史无前例的闪耀光芒S:success做什么事情都以成功的信念出发T:thoughtful对每一个歌迷都是那么的体贴I:incentive用歌声来鼓励我们N:natt 求一篇If I were a dancer的英语演讲(最好带中文翻译)1分钟就能讲完的, ni zen me bu shui ?汉语是什么意思 of the same sort等于哪个单词? 英语翻译 这句话怎么翻译呀?The recording of expenses in the sameThe recording of expenses in the same time period as the related revenues is called matching 黑子哲也语C自述怎么写? 玉兔催人投宿处,金鸡唤客束行装. Helen bought a beautiful kite.I____ color is blue.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 在下面字母表格中找出八个服装单词atrousersijeighawkihatcomdressiqcanshyazorbopvhadtdcteaclotheskirtxoehlrcfgin1.shirt 2.skirt 3.coat 4.sock 5.shoe 6.dress 7.( ) 8.( ) 从下表找出8个衣服的单词A T R O U S E R S L JE I G H A W K I H A TC O M D R E S S I Q CA N S H Y A Z O R B OP V H A D T D C T E AC L O T H E S K I R TX O E H L R C F G I N好的话给5分 谁有小学三年级下第八单元课后词语表中的词? 改错,in some ways we look different ,and we both like spors.并说说为什么 i am nativer chinese i CHINA 中文是 怎样能快速记牢九年级(新目标)英语所有单词表单词? my hand are very dirty原句的后半句是,I have been painting the house,可是怎么我感觉可以用have done形式,I have painted the house,对现在的影响是手脏,这很合理吧 the ball in my hand is nice划线提问in my hand I work late last night ,so I feel _____ nowA sleepingB sleepyC asleepD sleep 青岛浮山地质形成和名字的由来 she used to go fishing on sunday.怎样改为一般疑问句? At the party ,I______a few friends of mine and then we had a good time togetherA,knocked down B bumped up Cknocked out Dbumped into 选什么,为什么 We like having“()”parties with friends at home.fancy-dress fancy-dressing fancy-dressed