
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:49:35
我市组织20辆汽车装运A、B、C三种橙子到外地销售.按计划,20辆车都要装运,每辆车只能装运同一种橙,且须装满.根据下表,橙子品种 A B C每辆车运载量(吨) 6 5 4每吨橙子获利(百元) 12 16 10( He managed to escape to South America after the war(同义句转换)He --------in ---------to South America after the warHe was------- -------- to escape to South America after the warHe had ------- -------- to escaping to South America after the w 从2、3、5、7四个数字中,任取两个分别作为分数的分子与分母,能得到几个真分数? 1.( ) The day we had been looking forward to at lastA.come B.coming C.came D.has come2.( ) When --------you-------for the United States?This afternoon .My plane ---------at3:15A.do,leave,takes off B.are,leaving,takes off C.do,leave,is taking off D.do 高一英语高手请快进来!急….急……..急………10.I will study at home this afternoon in case he------(call)to tell me the result of the exam11.Don’t sit there ---------(do) nothing.Come and help me with the table.12.I’ll no 急….急……..急………221.I was lucky because I was able to find a good job.I was lucky________ _________ I was able to find a good job.2.We sometimes find it difficult to decide which words or phrases to use.We sometimes _______ _______ deci 汝女的意思 快3.那个男孩想当医生,全家人都鼓励他.All the family encouraged the boy ___ ___ ____to become a doctor.his efforts有这个词组吗 论语中知之者不如好之者是什么意思 高一英语描述四川地震用上add up ,upset,calm_ down,be_concerned about ,go_through,a series,in_order_to,face- to- face,一但给出最佳答案,我会追加150分的! earthquake高一英语必修一unit4全文内容课本忘带了、 一道英语填空题 拜托了 校友的英文怎么说(3个小问题)校友,系友的英文怎么说,还有简写,比如:宿舍就可以简写成dorm一样的 校友的英文怎么说? 少女爱上姐姐里面的elder翻译过来是什么意思 找一篇写包饺子英语作文期末复习 打电话的主要内容 she was walking slowly.明明是过去式为什么要用walking?那不是现在进行时吗? 五年级下学期《打电话》主要内容快!20块! 英语作文包饺子 物理竞赛题, 物理竞赛题.兄弟们 .一固定斜面上两个质量都为m的相同小物块A和B的接触面光滑,A与B斜面之间的动摩擦因数是B与斜面之间动摩擦因数的2倍,斜面倾角为α。B与斜面之间的动摩擦为?都是匀 有一道物理竞赛题不会做,有一种关于行星形成的假说,起源于太阳神赫利奥斯儿子法艾东被宇宙神(尤必特尔)战败.按照这个假说,一群大石块(法艾东行星应该由这些大石块形成的)太靠经 She was resolved to show herself ____to be respected by her colleagues?[A] worthless [B] worthwhile [C] worthy [D] worth 21.海鸥与老人 海鸥为什么会顺着老人的节奏起起落落,排成一片翻飞的白色,飞成一篇有声有色的乐谱?海鸥为什么会顺着老人的节奏起起落落,排成一片翻飞的白色,飞成一篇有声有色的乐谱? When she was twelve years old,she had to look after herself 的同意句 She had learned to hide even from herself after father left.even在这句里什么意思, The panda began to look after herself (when she was 20months old)对划线部分提问 1.被子植物的生殖器官有________、_________和_________.花的结构中,与生殖有关的主要是_______和________.2.芽按其着生位置可分成________和________.________芽的生长会使植物的茎增高;_________芽的生长则 感激和感动是不是近义词? 在1-100之间若存在整数n,使x2+x-n能分解为两个整系数一次式的乘积,问这样的的数有几个?x2是x的平方. 感激、感动是近义词吗?