
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 17:27:35
这道英语题怎么做?初中The young man would have an accident if he____ care for.对将来的虚拟 主句是would do 那么从句是什么时态?是过去式didn’t take 还是 hasn‘t take 还是 is not take.选项有点忘记了 希望知 谁有初三的苏教版的英语答案 只要103-107的 《初中复习与能力训练》 有助于回答者给出准解不等式:ab>0,且a不等于b,试比较3次根号下a减3次根号下b与3次根号下(a-b)的大小确的答案 根据首字母填空1.Tom is helpful.He often gives his s_________ to the old people on the bus.2.The flu is a big p_______ in the world now.We must be careful.3.We all like our English teacher because she is always w_________ to help us.4.The a____ 基本不等式,a+b≥2根号下ab,为什么a,b不能等于0呢 初中人教版英语总复习.发现初中五本书每册都有相同体裁的单元比如九年级十一单元和七下第二单元都和指路问路有关.有没有有心人总结一下呢?要是按照这种方法分体裁复习基础知识好不 当a>0,b>0,且a不等于b时,(a+b)/2,根号下ab,2/(1/a+1/b),根号下[(a^2+b^2)/2],他们的大小关系比较,证明 帮忙解释一下几道初中的英语题目1. I think ______nessecary to look for more information about the book.A.it B it was C that D this(我选了B,可正确答案是A,it was 不可以吗)2. I like watching TV______to the ci 已知a>0,b>0,且a平方加二分之b平方等于1,则y等于a倍根号下1加b平方的最大值是? 1.——______ movie it is!—— Yes!I have seen it twice.A.what a interesting B.what interesting an C.how interesting a D.how an interesting2.——Who's the man _____ you just talked with?——He's Lily's brotherA.who B.which C./ D.what3.——Do 初中题目——英语(解释一下)1.They_____this city for about three weeks A has gone to B have arrived in C have been to D have stayed in 2.HongKong is a morden city of tall buildings with lights_____in the evening A shine B sh 若a+x²=2008、b+x²=2009、c十x²=2010,且abc=24,求(a/bc)+(b/ac)+(c/ab)-(1/a)-(1/b)-(1/c)=? 已知a+x²=2008,b+x²=2009,c+x²=2010,且abc=3求a/bc+c/ab+b/ac-1/a-1/b-1/c的值 不等式证明根号a平方+b平方除以2小于等于3次根号a立方+b立方除以2 负根号3除以2小于等于x的平方小于等于1 这个不等式怎么算 根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(1)我们应该尽量少犯错We shouid try ( ) ( ) ( )mistakes(2)我们20年后的生活会怎么样What ( )our life ( )( )( )twenty years?虽然很忙,但我还是挤出时间做运动( )I'm busy ,I st (英语)1.Can you help me?(同义句)Can you _____ _____ ____ hand?2.Something is wrong with my bike.(同义句)____ _____ ____ with my bike. 懂英语的帮忙看看下面的几道题根据首字母及英语解释写单词或短语“I to give attention in hearingr to understand a language in writing or printingy period from january 1 st to december 31 stf before anyone or anything else (√2+√3)指数2008x(√2-√3)指数2009等于多少 1+2+3+4+5+6.加到99=?急哥哥告诉我了(1+2+3+4....100)-10=4950 2分之1加3分之1一直加到9分之1,和是多少?如题,有没有简便方法 2乘3分之1加3乘4分之1一直加到99乘100分之1的简便计算 100乘101分之一加到n(n加1)分之一 a=2005x+2004,b+2005x+2005,2005x+2006求(a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-d)^2 若a=2007+2x2,b=2008+2x2,c=2009+2x2,求a2+b2+c2-ab-bc-ac 已知a=1/99x+2009,b=1/99x+2008,c=1/99x+2010,求代数式a2+b2+c2-ab-bc-ac的值. 用 be 的适当形式填空.1.Those___________his grandparents.2.That_____________my sister.3.Dick and Joy____________my friends.4.My brothers__________________Miss Li’s students. nowadays,maketing strategy differs greatly from()A.that past B,past C.that of past D.the past答案给的是D,C为什么不对? {2004x-2005y=1,和2006X-2007Y=5,则x-y=? 计算1+5+5^2+5^3+.+5^99+5^100观察发现,上式从第二项起,每项都是它前面一项的5倍,如果将上式各项都乘以5,所得新算式中除个别项外,其余与原式中的项相同,于是两式相减将使差易于计算.设S=1+5+5^2+ 1+1/3+1/3^2+1/3^3……+1/3^2000 2000*(1-1/2*)*(1-1/3)*...*(1-1999)*(1-1/2000)