
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:02:53
pick a 不是字面的摘一朵花之类的那种意思,本人问的是不是有点其他的意思? 大学学英语听力的方法有哪些? pick the flowers改为否定句 在大学怎么学英语听力 i went to the gym this morning (对画线部分提问) went to the gym 提问 went to park morning.——————you————————to the park this morning.一般疑问句 独一无二的团队英语怎么翻译? you don't pick the flowers.(意思不变,换一种说法) 请求“私家衣橱”翻译成英文O(∩_∩)O谢谢 急 冥王星是9大行星吗? 冥王星 9大行星 Exccuse me,sir.You can not smoke here.Look at the sign.--Sorry I____(see)it.A,did not see it B.have not seen it -Look at the sign smoking isn't allowed here.__oh,sorry,I___itA don't notice B.didn't notice C wasn't moticing D couldn't notice 一道我不会做的数学题.使满足方程组【3x+5y=m+2;2x+3y=m】的x,y的值的和等于2,求m的平方减2m加1的值. 一道数学题,我不会做啊过程详细点点大图看! 我的爸爸喜欢吃鸡肉 用英语 in recent years __global warming is becoming __concern for people all over the world The village is the m______.最好能写出汉语意思! In recent years( )global warming is becoming( )concern of people all over the world.A.the,the B/,a C/,/ Dthe,/ Everyone in the world is a member of the global village .so we should try our best to do ------.A what we should do B how we should 选哪个啊 急 is our world becoming "brave new world"BRAVE NEW WORLD是一本科幻小说,看过的人帮帮忙啊~~!要写个essay,所以,希望给点意见什么的.谢谢啊essay问题是-Is our world, in 2007, on the path to becoming the Brave new world? 英语has have问题原句是:Does your baby boy have blue eyes?boy明明是单数,为什么这里不用has,而用have呢?应该也不是泛指吧 Pick the flower,eddie.改成否定句. 选词填空!We( )pick the flower in the park.A.can’t B.don't C.mustn’t There is so much s ____ in the world. There are many animals in the world There _____many animals in the zoo,but there ____so many now.A.are aren't B.were weren't C.wewn't are D.are weren't请说明原因、我觉得应该是were aren't但是这里没有、 在英语句子里哪种用has那种用have 下列有关日食与月食的说法正确的是A.日食是太阳被地球所掩盖而产生的天象B.月食是月球进入地影时发生的天象C.月食是太阳被月球所掩盖产生的天象D.月食,日食有可能发生在同一天 月食是一种特殊的天文现象,下列关于月食的说法不正确的是A月食只可能发生在农历十五前后B月环食是数百年难得一见的天象C月食一年最多发生二,三次或不发生 Don‘t pick the flowers in the park again.(作出相应回答) Sorry__ __.请帮一下忙,谢谢 let the girl____pick the flowers in the park