
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:50:31
用大写表示数字920043.2要怎么表示玖拾贰万零肆拾叁.贰元整还是玖拾贰万零肆拾叁点贰元整 4.5数字用大写怎么表示 表示钱数的阿拉伯数字的大写怎么写 BURBERRY 怎么读,音标? We play soccer at school with my friends( 就划线处提问,画soccer).What sport (三个空)at school with your friends? My school is beautiful e_______. Mary often ______(play) soccer with her friends.I lost my school ID card.I must _______ (find) it. Li Ming ,do you know the answer of this question?(改错) do you know the answer ( ) this question A.of B.for C.to D.about 雅思口语 Why do people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flats?雅思口语问题:Why do people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flats?需要回答5-10句左右~英语达人来相助啦~这星期就要考了 do you know the answer .no,this question isdo you know the answer .no,this question is ___for me.为什么是hard,说明白 What's your hobby?如何口语化回答集邮+ .为何加ing+ what’s your hobby的同义句用What…like句型改为同义句 What's your hobby?同义句 What's your hobby? What,s your hobby?40个词的短文What,s your hobby?的短文,多写一点~分我要看懂呀~写啥都行~最好有中文翻译 Bob will play soccer with his friends this afternoon.(改为同义句) Bob___ ___ ___soccer with his friends this afternoon. 商务英语口语怎么学呢?我目前没什么基础. 英语翻译我对照下 如何用英语翻译:"我代表××公司来负责处理此次索赔的相关事情" 请英文翻译:“日本政府必须向二战劳工谢罪、赔偿!” Is your pen red?-------NO()() 请不要破坏这里的所有书籍,如果发现将给予赔偿.这句话的英文翻译, Joyce _______ soccer with his friends一般现在时 读英文文章找语感需不需要建立在理解文章的前提上?还是说拿篇文章就读,不会的单词就猜个读音出来?PS: 1道英语改句问题.We don`t think he will win the first prize.We don`t think he will win the first prize,____ ____.是改成反意疑问句 英语People should ___ ___ ____ work instead of by car in order to protectPeople should _____ _____ ______ work instead of by car in order to protect the environment .为了保护环境人们应该乘公交车去上班,而不是开车 求一篇“riding bicycle or in a car"的英语作文 句子翻译:无论面对什么样的困难,他对生活的态度总是乐观的.(have good attitude towards) 英语翻译take a negative attitude towards呢? Try to have a positive attitude towards everything and stop complaining,and you'll find everything is beautiful and be in a good mood.写一篇作文, 英语翻译Merry Christmas and happy new year to the kids and teachers @afefutbol in Madrid and Cordoba (newly open).That's where it all began Is this English book——(your),Dick?(适当形式填空)