
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:38:49
请问有什么英文名适合我,最好给出音标来,希望读出来有yu这个音的,好的话我会加分最好有LY这两个字母的 我在公司上班要起个英文名,我的名字叫张长春 ,男的 . If you could choose what to come back as,what would it be 掌握have to(不得不)和do not need to(不必要)的用法 (要举例) 请大家帮忙分析一下这次我的六级成绩.总分是545.听力:187 阅读:205 综合:47 写作:106我个人感觉就是综合很差,其他的都一般.各部分得分情况,大概每部分错了几个?哪些部分需要再加强?这 音节的核心是( ),一个单词有几个( ),它就有几个音节.A.元音,元音字母B.元音字母,元音C.元音字母,元音字母D.元音,元音 帮帮翻译:old lady:life was it different in china many years ago. 在发展中国家与发达国家的经济合作中为发展中国家带来的好处是什么 在发展中国家和发达国家的经济合作中,给发展中国家带来的好处有那些? 发展中国家与发达国家的经济合作,给发展中国家带来的好处有( )1、能够解决资源不足的状况,2、能够解决资源不足的困扰3、能够促进管理水平的提高,4、能够促进民族工业的发展A、123 B、234 发展中国家与发达国家的经济合作给发展中国家有什么好处 发达国家和发展中国家经济合作过程中,对发达国家的好处是什么? 我希望他回到我身边.翻译成英语 The great hall was crowded with many people, ___ many children ____ on their parents' lapsa. including; seated b. included; sitting 为什么用seated.请细说明一下。。 Te great hall waa crowded with many people,___ many children ____ on their parents' laps.a.including; seated b.included; sitting选A,为什么第一个空要填写介词呢?第2个空用sit的话可以吗?如果用该怎么改? The hall is crowded ( )many hall is crowded ______ many people选择:A:at B:in C:with D:of Tim felt that he knew everybody's business better than they knew it themselves.翻译此句 Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened.这里的that分析这句中that用的意义在哪!或者分析一下,and后面的宾语从句怎么看! life today is very different from what is was ten years ago.改写:life today_______from____it____ ____be ten years ago.翻译:究竟是什么导致这么多外来词进入英语?_____was it______led to so many borrowed words_____into English? 英语翻译Come ,As you are ,As you were As I want you to be As a friend ,As a friend As an old enemy Take your time ,Hurry up The Choice is your ,Dont’ be late Take a rest ,As a friend As an old memoria ,memoria ,memoria ,memoria Come ,Dowsed in come as you are中英文歌词 谁能帮我翻译一下这首歌呢?come as you arecome ,as you are ,as you were as i want you to be as a friend ,as a friend as an old enemy take your time ,hurry up the choice is your ,dont' be late take a rest ,as a friend as an old memori 形容像荷花一样出淤泥而不染的有哪些词语 荷花出淤泥而不染诗句 世界上经济最强大的发达国家是?世界上最大的发展中国家是? 发达国家与发展中国家的经济地位有何不同? 发达国家与发展中国家的经济方面区别尽量回答得详细一点 She hurried when she knew that everybody was ready ______ her.A.except B.beside C.except for D.besides我分不清楚except 和 except for 有什么不同 什么时候应该用except什么时候应该用except for 望指点迷津 ( )lots of people at the beach in summer. 298.In summer ,people usually ______their holiday at the beach.A.take B.spend C.go 周敦颐的爱莲说中的“出淤泥而不染”和李渔的闲情偶记.芙蕖那句话相似?be quick ,并说说给你的启迪哦