
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 04:53:38
We will visit the museum ===== next month.A.sometimeB.some timeC.some times we'll visit the museum next friday.the museum 划线.--------- will you visit next friday.为什么要用‘WHAT"不是用where?请说明理由, We hope we ___(visit) the Palace Museum next week 用英语解释句子 1.I didn't go out because of the rain. they didn't go out because of the heavy rian=they did'nt go out ____it_____heavily 该填什么? 我这有一个名词,请帮忙加三个形容词做定语我相信,总有一天我们会建设一个 的 的 的地球家园.(要好的词,谢谢 ) 小学5年级带近义词的四字词语 we have art 著名的《格林童话》共有210篇,收集整理者是德国的? played.yesterday.she.piano.the怎么排列成一句话 【The children] played with the ball yesterday afternoon.花括号部分进行提问 请问SLEEP OVER PARTY,翻译成“过夜派队"吗,是不是翻成“睡过头派队”更贴切和反映含义呢? 英语翻译本人不知道sleep做“睡眠时间”时,是不是可数的? “多睡一会儿”翻译作“sleep a lot”或“ sleep a little more”可以吗? ___the heavy rain,we didn't go camping last Sunday.What a pity!A.Thanks to B.Because ofC.Instead oFD.As for求翻译选择 英语翻译是i will going to sleep呢?还是i will going to sleeping呢?还是i will going to bed? ___,Mary had to stay at home to look after her.A.Her mother was ill B.Her mother being ill 注:要具体解析 3月22日直射在赤道上么?3月22日太阳是不是直射在赤道上的````大家帮解答下~~~谢谢 jim would like to go shopping with his mom tomorrow的同义句 带近义词式的四字词语如:左邻右舍 由两组近义词构成的四字词语 When 12-year-old Helen received a lot of money on her birthday,she knew exactly what she wanted to buy:a pair of LuluLemon trousers that her mom wouldn’t buy because they were too expensive.翻译 Kelsey's f__ with o__parents on weekends .she like w___tv,too oh her birthday is coming. i want to b__ an Mp4 player for her .she must be h__with it 在横线上填合适的词 有没有 描写月下花香的诗句呢? 什么花能在水中养?要在家里养的? 在水中养的花有哪些? 这是什么花?放在水中饲养的放在室内,没味道.是什么花 在北方什么花适合在水中养适合4季养的 家庭中什么花可以插在水中养 今天新闻多长时间 today的前面用什么介词 四个含近义词的词语:比如:风欺雪压