
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:09:58
He is Jack.He________in a boat.He is a______. 跌倒了,你会重新爬起来吗? he paid the boy 10 dollars for washing ten windows,most of----had not been cleaned for yeas.填什么含义呢 为什么 跌倒了怎么爬起来 He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of ( D) hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.A.these B.those C.that Dwhich为什么不用those?怎样判断是用these,that等代词还是用which等关系代词? 跌倒了、难道就不能不爬起来哭吗?为什么非要爬起来再哭? he paid the boy 10 yuan for washing the windows,most of __hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.为什么要用which啊? He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of ( ) hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.A.these B.those C.that Dwhich填什么,为什么填这个 He paid the boy for washing ten windows,most of them hadn't been cieaned for at least a year.哪里有错误? have been doing have done 的用法和区别 Man must stop _______ the earth’s atmosphere 流星OL什么时候公测能玩? 流星OL什么时候公测啊?好想玩哦 流星OL什么时候公测RT 南通英文章2个问题1.where are most of the hotels2.Which is the cheapest/the most expensive 粮品道的黑芝麻有什么功效? 我们想要……我们要……我们再也不要……我们不想……我们要……造句 朱元璋和乾隆,哪个的执政能力更强? I miss you ,Mr .Huang. Mr.I miss you、 翻译下 He can play football,too.的否定句 深啡网的英语怎么拼? There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up he please basketball on the playground把它改为肯定句是? 听说梅德明《高级口译教程》要出第四版了,我是等下个月出的第四版呢,还是买第三版, 时间,四维和反物质的理解我觉得这3个真巧了……首先是"时间",人们总想着时间是否能倒流,但根据理论,时间只能相对减慢,不能倒流,因为时间倒流,超过光速,质量就成为负数,而质量只能无限 陈洁,女,怎么取英文名字我都不知道这个名字到底该怎么取,谢喽! 用不是……也不应该是……造句 再过半个小时我就要选满意答案了 最后一头战象的课后思考题 像need的词有哪些像need的动词有哪些 need做实词和情态动词有什么区别The students were very glad that they_________their papers last weekend as the teacher was away on vacation.C.needn't have handed in D.didn't need to hand inD .为什么选 C 不行? 最后一头战象课后题怎么写