
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 13:48:35
谁能列几个关于军事的,含数字的成语,比如四面楚歌,十面埋伏,越多越好 都说读商务英语比应用英语好,那应用英语学的课程真的比商务英语差很多吗? Imagine yourself in the life you dream of living. 冬天的雨为什么总是那么的凉,凉的给人以忧伤,给人以凄凉,…… 有关从句However,it is difficult to predict when the financial crisis will end and this means that when the laid-off workers can go back to work is also not sure.means 后面要加 that 不 六级没过能报考BEC吗 本人大三,六级大二就过了,裸考430,第二次裸考380,现在想考BEC中级,听力不太好, A policeman saw the robber entering the bank.用英语改写, make的复数是怎样的?我老师说make+s是单数不加是复数?不是只有have这个词才比较特殊的么?还有哪些是类似的顺便问一下,什么时候用we,our,us. he said a teacher and a writer ______ coming to the meetingA are B were C is D was Miss Zhu always asks us to have a h_____ before a new term begins. When the new school begins,some students ___(forget) the word they learned last termforgot 吗why? 银行应该如何协调中间业务与资产负债业务的关系?中间业务是指商业银行在传统的资产业务和负债业务的基础上,不直接承担或不直接形成债权债务,不动用或很少动用自身资产,商业银行的资 你把钱存入银行获得的利息属于什么收入A.资本 B.劳动 C.技术 D.管理 A Prototype Mechatronic System for Inspection of Date Fruits.请高手翻译一下这个句子, 英语填空 ()1.Kangkang needs ( ) his summer homework before the new term begins .英语选择填空()1.Kangkang needs ( ) his summer homework before the new term begins .A. finishB.to finishC. finishes()2. He seems ( ) a student ,but we ofthen interface什么意思! interface 前加上 @ package javax.annotation.security;import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;import java.lang.annotation.Retention;import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;import java.lang.annotation.Target;@Target({ElementType.TYPE,ElementType do a good,job的过去式 sole什么意思? glueless interface是什么意思?什么接口? the celebration usually b___on New Year's Eve.首字母填空 wow interface是什么意思 the beat香水瓶子上的绳子是做什么的,单纯的装饰么? 四面楚歌是谁为刘邦提出的计策? flashy age, what we squandered how many youth什么意思 “Too many results,and let me not according to what is Too many results,and let me not according to what is 什么使你这么着急?What's _ _ much now? as much.whatthey do not think nearly as much about what they learn.as much 何意?可以换成what 将下列命题改写成“如果.那么”的形式:异号两数相乘,积为负数将下列命题改写成“如果.那么”的形式:(1)异号两数相乘,积为负数(2)两直线平行,内错角相等 负数都小于零是不是命题