
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:52:02
语文,数学两门的平均分数是96分,英语比数学少5分,比语文多3分,小华三门功课各考 英语习题:空格处怎么填英语习题:空格处怎么填 一道经济类数学题公司生产三种不同类型的鞋(A,B,C)每件产品在完工前都要由三种不同的机器进行加工,顺序为:1-2-3.现在公司只想生产其中一种鞋.于是财务部对每种产品的利润和每种机器的 求助一道经济类数学题,英语的L’Oréal Paris is organizing a promotional activity for the Derma Genesis anti-aging product line:an SMS (Short Message Service) campaign offering Derma Genesis night cream for $15 instead of $20.The 3000 rec 加算式.小明一家都动手包起了汤圆.花生汤圆的馅、料比是1:1.5,豆沙汤圆的馅、料比是1:1.做1.5千克的花生汤圆和1千克的豆沙汤圆,分别需要馅和料多少千克? 一道数学题(要算式,答案)一个圆柱形纸盒高15cm,如果高减少2cm,表面积就减少了18.84平方厘米,求原纸盒的表面积.是188.4,不是18.84 1.Tom is good at drawing_____John does well in playing football.A because B when C while D since2.----How long do you suppose it is_____she left for America?----No more than half a month.A when B since C before D after 英语练习题求解Could you lend me your bike?Of course.________A.You could B.Give you C.That’s all right D.With pleasure()3.I’m _______at reading than listeningA.good B.well C.better D.best( )4.He didn’t go there.I diden’t go there ______ 英语练习题 1.The man and the horse______fell into the river were drowned.A.which B.who C.that D.of which 2.I know the place______we can have a quiet talk.A.which B.where C.when D.that 3.I can still remember the sitting-room______my mother and I 英语习题求解用适当的词形填空:1. If it ___ (rain) tomorrow,I ____ (not go) out.2. They ___ (come ) to see me if they ____ (have ) time.3. If he ____ (not know ) the way,he ___ (ask) the others.4. I ___ (do) a lot of good things 高中政治经济生活的一道单选题人们在投资理财过程中,越来越关注理财产品的流通性,进而实现利益最大化.从流通性角度考虑,你认为最好不选1.活期存款 2.股票 3.商业保险 4.国债(答案为什 【高一政治】经济生活单选题一道 2009年在全国选择了10%的县(市、区)试点新的农民社会养老计划.国务院常务会议提出,只要“年满16周岁、不是在校学生、未参加城镇职工基本养老保险” 政府是宏观调控的主体,主导国民经济发展的整体态势海外并购已成为我国经济发展的方向这两句话对吗?还有一个问题:价值总量不变,劳动生产率提高,货币发行量货币流通速度不变,不考虑 求解一道有关《经济生活》的政治题近年来,使用节能电器、出行首选公共交通工具等低碳生活方式正逐渐成为人们日常生活的新时尚.这种生活方式体现了a量入为出、适度消费的原则 b保护 一道经济生活的政治题!19.2012年,财政部进一步加大成品油价格改革财政补贴资金的预拨力度,及时足额安排农资综合补贴资金,确保农民种粮收益不因油价调整而降低。这说明 ①国家财政 When I went to the library,I met Li Ming.(保持原意)Don't eat or drink on the road.保持原意 英语选择(1题)求速度He’s not been back to Australia,___ he?---___.He is on a visit to Shanghai.A.has;No B.has; Yes把理由写出来吧,究竟是A是B啊? 一道初二英语单选题Next week we will go ( ) a trip to HangzhouA.on B.to C.for D.with我觉得应该选C,可参考答案是A,Next week 是下个星期的意思,而且有Will,说明是准备去,而go on应该表示是已经去过了或正 1-10 初二英语单选题 一道单选题I have never heard _______ him before.A.of B.about C.in D.out They sell ____ delicious food from all over the world.Oh,really?Let's go and have a taste.( )A.all kinds of B.a kind of C.different kinds D.kind of 请说明原因谢谢!我选C为什么错? 初二英语单选题.1.This is a good book.It's worth ____.A to read B.to see C.seeing D.reading2.The headmaster made a great contribution _____ the new school.A.to build B.to building C.built D.build3.We don't think Jim works hard,_____?A.d 因式分解:(x+y)-81=?Sorry!我懂了! 因式分解x^2(y-x)+81(z-y) 因式分解:-0.25(x+y)^2+0.81(x-y)^2 因式分解:6(x-y)^3-18(y-x)^2 几个英语题,帮哈忙,谢了1.( ) for the glassit's OK.i'm wearing shoes A.look out B walk out C go out D set out2.A stort goes ( )Elizabeth i of English i of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noble men a 1.变为被动语态(1)He gave me a book.I __ __ a book.The book __ __ to me.(2)Someone heard Lucy play the flute just now.Lucy was __ __ __ the flute just now.(3)They saw her get on a bus.She was __ __ __on a bus.2.词形转换(1)Whe 下列()中储存信息在断电是会丢失.A、RAM B、Cache C、硬盘 D/ROM 题多一点,最好有图,我期末考.讲得好, RAM和ROM的区别急! 3分之X:5=1又5分之1:1又7分之2