
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:47:33
假如把指南针放在南极点会出现什么情况,放在北极点上又会出现什么情况.希望能描述清晰一点, 可谓好学也已的”好“是什么意思? 可谓好学也己矣的好是什么意思 老而好学,老字意思 寻歌,歌中有如下歌词:I have been looking for you,tell me you know me too. I have been a good care about you,but you never know 帮个忙 英语翻译 中亚古国史怎么样 古代迁居中亚的是雅利安人吗?也就是说,我国秦汉时期那些西域古国的人种是雅利安人种吗? we ( )get up early tomorrow morning to catch the eary bus.1:have 2:have to 3:has 4:has to (选择)no one( )do this.(have to)(用正确形式填空) 如何打电话到美国三藩市?用手机打的所以变成乱码,问题是,我打电话到美国三藩市,有一个女的跟男的在说英文跟一个外文结合在一起的语言,请问下是什麼意思呢?因为我朋友在那 旧金山英语怎么讲? 旧金山英语怎末念 The Renmibi stands for the wealth of China .So we should take good care of it Today,we have a biology lesson.In the class,I know we should take good care of the earth. 用滥竽充数造两个句子,一个贬义,一个表示自谦 用“滥竽充数”(表示自谦)造句. 用滥竽充数写两个意思不同的句子 滥竽充数的句子、买珠宝的通常会把一些假货混在真货里滥竽充数. 用“滥竽充数”造个句子越短越好!快急 We_______used to getting up early in order to catch the early bus.为什么要填have been,用are 如果必须用have been,如何判断这句话是现在完成时态? Be wise enough to know to be a man!这句的翻译? As you know,I am a disabled man,but I would be happy if I ___of service to you.A.amB.have beenC.should beD.would be选什么啊?顺便解释一下! 如何看卡耐基《人性的弱点》我看了三遍了,还是没有记住里面的内容,要怎么看才能自如应用?大家觉得里面写得对吗? we have been used to getting up early in order to catch the early bus.怎么解 He_up early since his childhood.D.has been used to getting为何选D We ___ early in order to catch the early bus now.A.used to get up B.are used to get upWe ___ early in order to catch the early bus now.A.used to get up B.are used to get upC.used to getting up D.are used to getting up 7.There is an island a little way ( ) the coast.A:up B:away C:out of D:off 8.The word “radar” is formed by ( ).A:Blending B:Acronym C:Affixation D:Conversion9.The antonym for “fresh” in the phrase “fresh bread” is ( ).A: 介于11/18与7/8之间,且分子为5的最简分数有-----, 把一只企鹅和一直猪放到一个零下二百度的冰库里,企鹅冻死了,为什么猪没冻死 The island of Great Britain is made up of ___ ____ ,and___? 一头猪和一只企鹅同时掉进了零下八十度的冰库里~为什么企鹅死了猪没有