
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:12:56
what do you think of the math problen?It,s too difficult.It's _____for me to work it outA easy B impossible C important In morning I xxx homework.中的xxx是过去式式、还是其他?In morning I _____ homework.(do)“_____” 上添did 还是do 还是doing? He does his homework改为一般过去式 Walk is very slowly.这句话对吗?要是不对,请帮忙改正.还有“走路是很慢的”还有其他的说法吗? It____to store this glass,which the nuclear waste was turned into,in deep underground plannedB.would be planned答案是A.後面不是过去时was嘛? 时态:It____to store this glass,which the nuclear waste was turned into,in deep underground mines.It____to store this glass,which the nuclear waste was turned into,in deep underground plannedB.would be planned答案是A.後面不是过 在手机app store上购买软件或更新软件时显示account not in this storeyour account is not valid for use in the u.s. store. you must switch to the chinese store before purchasing.要怎么弄?……解决了,可是百度不让取消提问 When they arrive,he is outside.如果是是什么从句?从哪是一句话 以及翻译 英语翻译我是说中文意思i 初3的首字母填空3个(wait on line)it's the p横线 of the government to improve education.he has a横线 seen that film twice.i横线 in population made birth coutrol necessary. 柯哀同人文——《爱情的天空里没有流星》到底完结了么?文库里有两种版本.一种是完结了的.一种还没有.不知道到底完结了没有. 谁有关于柯哀的长篇完结小说,像【爱情的天空里没有流星】的 The bus is slow.和The bus goes slowly.中slow和slowly的用法slow和slowly为什么slow用在第一句,而slowly用在第二句 连词成句 brown,quickly,man,how,in,walks,the(!) 英语翻译WHAT what is Pat listening to?什么回答 is gonging to ( )at pat,homeA:stayB:staysC:staying快 i'll take my chances with you 求高人翻译, the approach is to tap renewable resource 还是 is taping? 谁有名侦探柯南 爱情的天空里没有流星 视频如题 I was walking on the street one day. where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.请帮忙分析一下这句话的句子结构The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France,where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.请帮忙分 They had the gift of love .And it's never known where it will land.是什么意 Where will you take your friengs to? 现在还有孔子后代吗? 翻译“It was called rabbit by the English farmers of that time and is still called rabbit today. I am going phuket and gonna fly back this night 翻译一下这句话 I will get back to my hometown this weekend.(变同义句) I will ____ ____ my hometown this weekend. Li lei and John came here two hours ago.同义句是什么 kitchen和elephant的e发音一样吗 大象是怎样发声的 大象的发声范围