
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 00:38:08
英语翻译麻烦要有翻译的...强调下啊:得有翻译... 孔子关于学习的名言及意思 三个就可以了 请即刻给我 第十八届有奖读报活动知识竞赛 第十八届有奖读报活动知识竞赛答案(五年级) 读报用英语怎么说 The bank is reported in the local newspaper_____in broad daylight yesterday.A.robbedB.to have been robbedC.being robbed D.having been robbed 老舍写的文章有哪些 我眼中的老舍作文怎么写? 老舍写了几部作品? 分式的乘方 分式的乘方运算 已知A(A-1)-(A^2-B)=1,求1/2(A^2+B^2)-AB的值, 1.Many a man and many a woman ___that he or she had had beter education.A.wish B.has wished C.do wish D.have wished 2.Neither of the young men who had tried to get the job in the company____.A.has been accepted B.have been accepted C.was accepted D.w In the past ,respect for teachers was driven by the belief_____they were reliable sources of knowledge.A what B that Cwhy Dwhether并请说明其句意 14. 14.15题, 1.I have bought __ second home in __ bigger city to stay at weekends A a;a B a;the C the;the D the;a2.-Don't you like it?-_______ I've been looking forward to it A NO I DON't B NO I DO C YES I DO D YES I DON'T3.I am starving Shall we go to the ____ r 分式的乘方, 有哪一首古诗表现了与这句话同样的意境?“间或有缀满花朵的树枝从墙上探出”这句 关于古诗词的意象词语集合(五十个) 简述“鲁提辖拳打镇西关”的故事情节,并体会鲁智深的性格特点 ——Do you work in this university?___No,I ( ) it for 3days.A just visit B am just visiting C had already visited D just visited 高一英语第二题 名人成长故事手抄报应该怎么装饰 名人成长励志故事,简短的,办手抄报用今天就要用! 名人成长故事手抄报图 成长手抄报内容除了名人故事、名言、我的故事还有什么 关于名人成长故事的手抄报版面设计 分式乘方 计算:(-x/y^2)^4(-4x^2y/3w)^3(-6x^3y^4)除(-2xy)^3(5x^4y^2-x^2y^4+3x^2y^2)除(-4x^2y)^2(-x^3/2y)^2除(-a^2/b)^3*(b/2)^2 高一英语第八题 高一英语第八题