
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 11:28:35
问几道关于被动语态的题!1.________this song often ________(sing)by the students here?2.The thief who ______________(see)to rush into the bank a moment ago has been caught by the police.3.Mike___________(choose)for the job.4.Bamboo_______(ca 问个被动语态的问题什么叫 主语后的及物动词缺少宾语主语和谓语在逻辑上有动宾关系?最好举个例子 求议论文 心灵的约定 心灵的救赎议论文论据心灵的救赎为题目的议论文论据,急 点破解MSN密码,MSN信箱密码 申请MSN用户名和密码 看到蛇吃青蛙是怎么情况 此非曹孟德之诗乎是何种句式? 华夏古诗词源远流长,有许多古诗词与勾股定理有紧密联系,下面是明朝大数学家程大位所著的《直指算法统宗》里的一道题.荡秋千 She said she ____ the principle already.A.has seen B.saw C.will see D.had seen 哪一个最与众不同 狗、老鼠、狮子、蛇、大象、 这是一道IQ测试题 TR于反TRNE是否是反TR能力最差的?比如地图TR近点的情况下 orc是否有可能一本把NE压死 如果让他鸟德和熊鹿成型 同等水平下 好像基本不是对手啊..请详细回答.. 这几道题求解,关于被动语态的.谢谢~1.Attention, please! All the mobile phones_________during the meeting.A. must keep off B. have kept off C. are keeping off D. must be kept off2. He often________people laugh and many people ______ 关于被动语态的题目求解eg.What kind of advice ______ you?A.has gave B.was gave C.had been given to D.has given正确答案为什么不是B呢?eg.The slave _____from morning till night.A.made to work B.was made working C.was made worked D.wa And the two of you together to create our world. 怎么翻译 写一篇郭美美事件的评论,尽量详细、深刻. graduate-entry route是什么意思?如题graduate-entry route是什么意思啊?麻烦各位了! 假如你有一颗核弹,你准备把它发到哪去在猫扑上有人也问了这问题 ,往日本美国北京投的都有 They are in Row tow什么意思 Yes,I can see tow monkeys.they are swinging. 应该怎么问 beside the bank的中文 Is it the Hotel beside the Bank?这句话有错误么 空中客车A340最大航乘可达多少千米 英语翻译rt 找一首忧伤的英文歌,女声、琴和风笛伴奏,首句you drink coffee,and i see my tea I don't like tea and coffe 和 I don't like tea or coffe 的区别,两个句子之间and 和or的用途?我们老师今天上课的时候跟我们讲过一下,但是我没听明白,去有道翻译上但是答案好象又跟我们老师讲得不太一 na wie gehts 意思一上 icq有个人发了句这样的话过来,请高手知道的告诉我下. i could never be to happy to see you什么意思? Mary wears the same kind of clothes_______her sister suually does为什么选which啊 用下列词组造句:1.one of the main reasons 2.try to do 3.try one's best 4.be ready to 8.not as9.dress up like a boy Far more common is plagiarism in dribs and drabs.翻译 英语智力题:What can you see in the dark clea?谁能告诉我答案?这是一道英语智力题,谁能告诉我答案?对不起,是What can you see in the dark clearly?