
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 21:37:15
求函数fx=x+根号(1-2x)的最大值 函数FX=根号三sinx+cos(三分之π+x)的最大值为 fx=log根号2(x+a)若函数[2,4]最大值比最小值多4 求a Since ________ in this school,I have learn a lot of Chinese.A、to study B、studied C、studying D、study Perhaps your life is a game,but games is not your life对还是Perhaps your life is a game,but the game is not your life还是都不对这句话该怎么说 的也许你的一生是一场游戏,但游戏绝不是你的生活。 Perhaps no me,your life is very happy,is sometimes too narcissism you've got your whole what's left of your life ahead of you帮忙翻译下,顺便讲下语法, You didn't enter a valid email address!外国网站,,需要什么电子邮件才行的 Email address must be 图中间那道 怎么写? Enter a valid email address 上坡每小时行20km下坡每小时行30km小明从家到学校往返一要用2/3小时离学校多少km? 若函数f﹙x﹚=﹛根号x,x≥0;x+a,x<0.且方程f(x)=1有两个解,则实数a的取值范围 设函数f(x)=-a乘以根号下(x^2+a)+x+a,x属于(0,1],a>0 若FX在(0,1)上是增函数,A的取值和FX的最大值负a乘以根号下(x^2+a) 这是一起的 已知函数f(x)={2^x-2 x0}若方程f(x)=a,求实数a的取值范围帮忙一下哈·~ What is your birthday with this year?A:all my friends to be happy everyday.B:my brother to enter the Peking University.C:be healthy ang happy every day.D:all my friends will be happy every day. =.已知f(e^x)=x^2-2x+3 (2≤x≤3) (1)求f(x)的解析式和定义域 (2)求f(x)的值域 兄弟们进来教我 第二问是求最值~ 设一个函数的解析式为f(x)=2x+3他的值域为﹛-1,2,5,8﹜则函数定义域为什么啊. 已知函数f(e^x)=x^2-2x+3(2 请问一下求几道化学题做出的我在给追加有点着急了啊,打心底麻烦你们了6h 若函数f(x+1)=x^2-2x+1的定义域为[-2,6],求f(x)的解析式,定义域,值域及单调递减区 the numbler that you have entered is invalid 翻译shei lai bang wo jie da ya the serial number you have entered is incorrect.the serial number for f90SQL-Lite is 0-0000-0意思? the serial number entered is invalid.please re-enter the number翻译 the cdkey you have entered is invalid 的意思 what is the name of your company 翻译成中文谐音 what salary is your company offering What's reason for the difficulty of maintaining the cooperation? what is the reason of有这个句型么?of后可以跟什么,举个例子? what reason else和what else reason哪个对 改错what is the reason of the fire? 一道数学题,排列组合问题88.有五队夫妇围成一圈,使每一对夫妇的夫妻二人都相邻的排法有多少种?A、768 B、32 C、24 D、2的10次方解析是说把5对夫妻都看成一个整体,就有5*4*3*2*1=120种不同的排