
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:54:48
家里的灯泡老被烧坏是什么原因呢 中译英翻译器美女你电话号码多少啊 英语翻译性格开朗,诚实正直,谦和自信,勤奋好学,乐于思考,有较强的社会适应能力;工作踏实,认真细致,具有强烈的事业心和工作责任心,善于处理人际关系,且了解团队合作的重要性和必要性. 连词成句 your father is a This news good for 连词成句:is,where,going ,your ,father ,afternoon ,this When and where to have a picnic yetA are not decidedB has not decidedC have not been decidedD is not decidedyet不是完成时的标志么 那为什么不用完成时呢d When and where to have the party( )yetA has not been decided B have not been decided C has not decided Dhave not decided 电瓶车装十二伏为的灯泡什么吗烧坏灯泡我想并连一个电阻用多大的型号 can you tell me ___your father is ---Oh,he is all right.Thank you这是一道填空题.谁知道添什么,为什么? Is he your father?肯定回答 right,is,cousin,he,my,Andy(,) father,is,your,too,teacher,a.(,) his,Nick,brotherright,is,cousin,he,my,Andy(,)father,is,your,too,teacher,)his,Nick,brother,twin,is,全部要写中文 连词成句 9.—___________is your father?—He isall right.A、How B、What C、Where D、Who解答这里为什么用how 而不选what 当出现月食现象时,月相一定是A 新月B 上弦月C 满月D 下弦月 如何用has eyes and small she a big nose 组成句子 has eyes and small she a big nose连词has eyes and small she a big nose连词成句 定字加偏旁怎么组词 Is that your father?改为陈述句 24.What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting ______.A.was holding B.had held C.was to hold D.was to be held我觉得填was done就可以了.可是选项里没有,我糊涂了. she( didn't know ) when or where to hold the meetingshe( didn't know ) when or where to hold the meeting ,so she went to ask jer teacher.为什么不用had't know 不是过去的过去么 改病句,请详细看下面王成当上班长后,就处心积虑地想把工作搞好. 请帮我看哪个是一下病句A中华人民共和国成立六十年以来,人们的物质生活有了极大改善B全国人民支援玉树灾区的事实充分表明:人间有情大爱无疆C在节能环保型社会里,人们的低碳意识正 修改病句 详情请看下面 急《儿童文学》和《中国少年报》是我最喜欢的杂志. 帮我看看下面的病句.1,入夜,筑路工人仍跟着严寒在工地上紧张地工作着.2,当人类欢呼对自然的胜利的时,也就是自然对人类惩罚的开始3,动物的冬眠不是睡眠,而它们在漫长的冬季里减少体力 HILALALA:Is this your question?These rules include that penalties will be given to anyone found breaking the policy.This may be given in cash of up to 10,000 yuans.It could also be paid in properiers which is precious to the families.Benefits will be she has twi big hands 定可以组什么词? What big eyes she has!(改为同义句) _____ _____ her eyes _____! 碧玉妆成一树高 万条垂下绿丝绦 定怎么组词? 用 we ,at,it,in,shall,the,look,pets造句急用 we ,at,it,in,shall,the,look,pets造疑问句11 We shall look at the pets.改为一般疑问句