
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:57:55
A.Y这3个字母开头做3个英文单词能组成有意义的词语,就像汽车比亚迪BYD=Build Your Dreams 英语翻译谢谢你观看我的项目,1-10个打10%的折扣,11-50个打15%的折扣,51-100打20%的折扣,期待你的来信, The Palace Museum is very large,it'll __us about five hours填什么?是填take、还是spend? 英语翻译如果他对谁都是如此的暧昧不明,你又何必把他逢场作戏的话当真.T因为我分少所以给的少…… We keep our plates and glasses in the c_______.He is ill,but he is s______working. 英语翻译The quality of the goods will be confirmed by a certificate issued by the independent international survey company "SGS (Societe General de Surveillance)" or equivalent at Seller’s option (where available) at the port of loading which s 英语高手进(用所给单词或句型用英文将原句用另一种写法解释出来)He began his piano studies at the age of threee.(when)He spent six years learning and improving his natural talent.(It took……to do……)Now Tom gives ab 英语高手进,(用括号中所给句型或单词用英文解释原句)I don’t feel like getting up (……would like to do……)Will you please make breakfast for me ?(Would you mind……)What do you think about comics(How dou you like… Rafting Uganda's Nile 尼罗河 RIVER NILE怎么样 我们老师让我们去读新概念英语第二册,我晚上周末都可以上课 畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言.小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮圣人之言 a lot of前面用threre is还是there are 君子三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言的含义 君子三畏,畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言.我想知道,为什么会畏这些呢? If you are late 转第一人称急 If you are late for school,----------------. IF you are late,you()pay the bill1.have to2.must3.had to4.will must if you are fifteen minuntes late这句话是不是意味着late前可加时间表某种意思? 骷髅丝巾的英文怎么说 一条丝巾,英语怎么翻译谢谢 四面楚歌的作者是谁. 如何对待儒家思想 Hate,speak not 有“王安石退居金陵”一句的古文王安石退居金陵.一日,头幅巾手拄杖,独游山寺. 王安石的江南春色的诗句是哪句? 有什么方法使读出来的英语听起来有磁性 Do you think you good a shit?如何回应? good luck gladius的服饰怎么样别人送了几件衣服给我全是GOOD LUCK GLADIUS 以前没见过这个牌子 请高手给点意见!大概价位是多少! have a good of 衣服上印的have a good of 衣服上印的 有一张父子的图片,父亲衣服上写着“my son is the shit”,宝宝身上写着“i am the shit”.谁能把原图发来看看! 结合材料,谈谈中国龙文化为什么能得以传承与光大