
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 18:02:53
媳妇和婆婆争吵老公儿子该怎么做?求大神帮助 请帮我填上括号里的两个句子——急!马拉松比赛的发令枪响了,男女老少一起向前跑去,没有人畏惧路途遥远,没有人计较金牌名次,( ),( ).大家只有一个信念:锻炼身体,重在参与! emergent properties是什么意思 colligative properties是什么意思 electromagnetic properties是什么意思 psychometric properties是什么意思 My sister is _____for her beauty.A.celebration B.celebrating C.celebrated D.celebrations原因 My woman is 还有My girl,my woman,my sister,my beauty这几个用哪个好,女生会喜欢哪个 和新朋友交谈应该选择什么样的话题?想认识新朋友,请问和不认识的男性女性(包括男生女生)交谈应该选择什么话题可以使彼此尽快熟悉?还有和新认识的朋友应该选择什么样的话题?和男性女 the trousers are brown 对 brown提问 The trousers are _the__twins'.(提问) 请问emergent market是什么意思emergent market应该怎样精确的翻译? Emergent 原文是这样的,Emergent culture,though a basic element in human social life,has always lain outside the charter of folklore,perhaps in part for lack of a unified point of departure or frame of reference able to comprehend residual forms 孔子是谁啊? brush trees 啥意思 仲尼是谁啊?谁知道就说吧~ 情景回答Do you have any rice or bread?A.Yes,I have some rice.B.I have some rice C.No,I don't.选哪个?请说出原因. \"肋\"是什么读? 这些句子的出处勤奋的人是时间的主人,懒惰的人是时间的奴隶 钉子是敲进去的,时间是挤出来的 劝君莫惜金缕衣 劝君惜取少年时朝看水东流,暮看日西沉时间是一条金河,莫让它轻轻地在你的 请帮忙找一下诗句出处,诗名,全诗,作者:唯有香如故风住尘香花已尽花自飘零水自流纤纤作细步 精妙世无双韵艳朱颜竟不同念去去 千里烟波 可以把21世纪大学英语第三册cloze译文发给我吗?今天就要, 这篇cloze 看看啊It is very important to have healthy teeth.Good teeth help us to chew our food.They also help us to look nice.How does a tooth go bad?The dacay begins in a little crack in the enamel (珐琅) covering of the tooth.This happens af 考托福不知道大概从开始准备时间有多久呢?背单词是否买本托福全部词汇来背呢?麻烦考过的朋友指点一下.高中生申请美国大学并希望得到奖学金只有托福成绩是否足够 slow——slowly,loud——() Hello-dear什么意思?大神们帮帮忙 she doesn't like to watch football games.she ____ ____football games.2.Linda didn't paly soccer yesterday-Me,nerther.(把Me,nerther.改为同义句)____ ____ ____.3.he did not do the dishes .Neither did I.(同义句)_____ ____ ___did the dishes Lucy likes ___ tea.A.iced B.icy C.icinD.ice-creamWhat would you like ___ your drink?A.in B.on C.with D.forSpecial 1 noodles have beef and onions.(对画线部分提问)[画线部分:beef and onions]____ ____ Special 1 noodles ____?Mr Brown is w 英语问题求解(急)!If you don’t keep yourself warm enough, winter can be a time of illness.During the winter months, people easily get colds and flu (流感). Many think they are the same, but these two illnesses are different.Colds can stay Most of yong people are (f )of cheng long根据首字母填空 My uncle has a lot of books but most of ____are covered with dust.A.which B.that C.them D.whom kitty和daniel的面具怎么做?(7A英语书第七十一页) ____will the new school be finished?In two years.AHow long B.How soon为什么不是B有How soon的问句不是用In回答吗?