
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 06:23:24
我好想去美国啊,但我英语不太好,怎么办呢? 2010年或者是2011高三金学导航英语.有个低碳生活的看图作文.要那一张卷子的所有答案,和卷子, 有没有好听的英文歌大神们帮帮忙有么有有没有,介绍几首, 跪求金学导航2011高三第二次联考卷英语答案最好各位能在一小时以内把答案发过来,急用! 有没有好听的英文歌?拜托各位大神最好是林肯公园、MJ唱滴~ 金学导航联考卷第一次d区2011,语文作文是小蜗牛的那个,知道请发正确的, People who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very well 根据上句完成下句People------ do their work very well------ enough sleep they are---- the shop because the people who work there are not allowed to join a union.A rejected B accused C objected D boycotted------选哪个,求翻译和详解 论语十则练习题答案 论语十则练习题知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也这句话告诉我们一个道理,人应该怎么样?通常我们俗语中的“( )”等也是这个意思 论语十则练习题 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说(yuè)乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠(yùn),不亦君子乎?《学而》曾子曰:“吾日三省(xǐng)吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不 The book cost me 20 yuan (改为同义句)I ____20yuan_____the book.为什么是spend on而不是pay for? More and more birds are in danger because they haven't ____to live in .解释句意并说明理由A enough homes B houses enough C enough spaceD space enough many students feel s_ in class,because they don't have enough sleep I need to pay three yuan for the book.(改为同义句)I need to ____ three yuan _____ the book. they are ( ) at home for vacation ,they think staying at home is ( ) A relaxed ,relaxingB relaxing,relaxed C relaxing ,relaxing D relax,relaxwhy 对(They are at home.)里的at home提问 九年级上册语文版的语文书论语十则是什么 是they at home还是they are at home为什么 【英语】用英语解释句子(同义句转换)*1What _got_ your car _into trouble_ 最好是替换同义词 一道英语的同义句转换He is not tall enough to reach the apples on the tree.(改为同义句)He is___ shor_______ reach apples om the tree 一个英语同义句转换The chilren tried their best to make their parents happy.The chilren tried their best to ( )( ) their parents --------they are poor,they have enough food to eat.A but B when C though D because 对Children like the Spring Festival because they can have red packets的because they can have red pa 《论语十则》的习题 修改病句,非常紧急!(轻松快乐过暑假语文篇,练习十三的第四题)1.六月的江南是美丽的季节.2.因为它有很大的进步,但是老师表扬了他.3.大约有50个左右的人,参加了今天的会议.4.在老师的帮 改为同义句句型转换4 句型转换题,改为同义句Shall we take a walk around here with the teacher?—— ——a walk around here with the teacher,__ ___ More and more wild animals are ____ because they have lost their living places.A.in dangerB.in a dangerC.out of dangerD.out of the danger每项各是什么意思?为什么选A? 英语求助、改错 Because it will also be more space for par英语求助、改错Because it will also be more space for parking cars in the cities,so the streets will not be so crowded.为什么要把so crowded的so删掉…谢谢了~ I think plants are more important than animals.Because they make me_______ and ________ .A.healthy ; relaxed.B.healthier; more relaxedA.healthy ; relaxed.B.healthier; more relaxed 论语十则 课后第二大题“己所不欲,勿施于人”是最早有儒家提倡的待人接物的处世之道,对此,曾经有过不同的看法.联系自己的生活体验,全班讨论:怎样看待“己所不欲,勿施于人”?