
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:50:12
如何利用上班时间学英语? “因为爱所以爱”是什么意思?不是为了什么回报所以关怀 不是为了什么明天所以期待 因为我是一个人 只能够对感觉坦白 只是为了你一句话我全身摇摆 只是为了一个笑容爱就存在 那些想太 因为爱所以爱这首歌是什么意思 因为爱所以爱, 因为爱所以爱、、、你们怎么解释、 如何快速提高英语单词和记忆英语口语能力! Listen,the children__(sing)in the music room 白天上班 想利用晚上学英语,哪里好? 麦当劳麦乐鸡块 McNugget麦乐鸡 音标是什么?怎么读? 箱子的材质是ABS好还是ABS PC 皮箱好还是ABS+PC材质的箱子好好 They have _____time on Saturday.A.a good B.good a C.good D.the good 怎样练好英语口语单词?老是记不住,学了忘.我该怎么办?谁有高见啊? 请问这个英语题怎么写?例;1,where did you go this weekend?【to a party】i went to a party.2,who did you meet at the party?【someone very interesting】3,what time did you and eva get home?【a little after 1:00】4,how did you and bob We can listen to music in the music room.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是in the music room. 大家认为麦当劳的麦乐鸡是不是用鸡肉做的? We often practice ———English among ourselves.A.Speaker B.to Speak C.speaking D.speaks 1.Complete the sentences with proper words according to the first letters given.1.Loud music makes me _u_______,but _s_____ (这个填soft么)music makes me sleepy.2.The movie Titaniv is such a sad one and it makes Tina _c_____.3.P.E.class is prett 一些英语题目,请问该怎么写?一. climb 名词:_______ swim 现在分词:________ hear 同音词:________three 序数词:_______ 二.写出下列动词的一般现在时及现在进行时.1.pick ______ ______ 2.cat they all have a good time的同义句 Look!What a good time they have!(改为同义句)look!what____ they have!中间只填一个空 英语口语中常用到的词汇,语法?听有人说,进行流利的英语口语交流所需要的词汇就4000个左右,我想请高人指教一下口语常用词汇和语法,以及如何训练 They have fun ______(listen) to the loud music.xx They can listen to muisc in the room.(改为否定句) You have to listen to music in the music room (该否定句) Listen to the teacher...[caraeful]in class.They can't find.[somthing]to eat in that room.把下列句子变为同一句. 骆驼祥子主要情节概括至少10个,每个要50字左右 They have a strict teacher to listen to.这句话的中文意思是什么? 概括骆驼祥子的大致内容要祥子的性格特点及所体现的精神和祥子的相关事迹 请求估分,2010年12月18号的六级听力:选择错7个,单词错2个,句子错半个.阅读:快速阅读全对;填词阅读错1个深度阅读错2个完型:错8个翻译:错2个作文背的模板,写了大概180个字,一般吧. 如何迅速提高英语口语?问一下怎样进行快速的练习英语口语?