
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 11:22:10
老公的英语单词怎么写 He'd like a large bowl of noodles ."he'd means ( )空里填什么?其中给的是A He had B He would C He need 纸与森林有什么关系 Which is your favourite film you've seen?Why do you like it? Write a passage about it.写作文哦 什么是森林友好型纸张? 填空:As a true friend,you should tell Henry your idea when he wants______(advice).填to advise可以吗 过年的那些事作文,主要写生活变化 Last week, he told me that by the end of the next term, he __________(develop) his interest in memorizing words for more than 3 months. 空格不限词数,请填入develop的正确形式.本人认为可用过去将来完成时,或者过去将来完 外研社新标准高中英语是英式英语还是美式英语 father what your should you do for 连词成句 以“妈妈的唠叨”为话题,写一首小诗.要有理解的语气 故木受绳则直,金就砺则利.的意思 We all think Jim the best student in our class 这句话什么结构 故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,——————————————,——————————. 孔夫子的话吗?一、仁,爱己及彼,仁生好,仁且好则纳容;当仁无嫌,嫌生嗔,嫌且嗔则敌对.二、义,爱求至宜,义生宜,义且宜则功用;非义则悖,悖生贪,悖且贪则抑郁.三、礼,顺迎规则,礼生秩,礼且 很忙用孔子的话来说是什么上课要用, thought about it for a long time这是什么句型 IT在句子中有什么用 以 美丽的自然环境 为内容写一首诗 关于美丽的自然环境的现代诗 美丽的自然环境的小诗 英国成立多少年了? 俊杰的同义词 用一个字…… 简历中四级小问题我英语考了400多分,没过四级简历里面如何写英语能力呢,去国企,矿业,应该不需要英语水平我可以这样写吗CET-4 (420) 达到四级水平,具有良好的听、说、读、写能力 帮忙写一份《你喜欢的英文电影》的英文简介,四级左右的水平!因为是考试题,120-180左右字数,写明导演、演员及剧情、还有自己的感悟!,发达邮箱里.如果写得好会加赏的! He told me that he took part in an englisg party last night.这里为什么用took麻烦各位解答. He_ a party member last year A joined B joined in C took part in D becameA是错的 _______(hundred)of people took part in the party last nightthank you for______(tell)me yhe story about dinosaursI want________(visit)Disneyland some day.The silm is______(base)on a real story May I go shopping with you,Kate?— __ B.You're welcome C.I like it very much cindy do you like o() shopping ___they still ___(discuss) the problems at tias time last nightDo you often stay after school ___(chat)with your classmates Look!the rain ___(stop) Let us go outside to piay Tom has_____pens than Peter but ____than Jack这道题怎么写? 孔子说过的话要文言文