
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 06:35:01
be careful while you are crossing the street(同义句) be careful t he street还有两人连忙站起来仔细看那两幅画the two men quickly stood up and the two paintings The market is just across () the busy bank on Changxin Street.填介词 my mother went wo Beijing with robot by air.(同义句转换) my mother ____ ____ Beijing with robot. 看海峡两岸交流新变化有感(作文)要求如下:通过身边的人和事,以小见大,用真情实感反映两岸人民渴望和平统一的美好愿望 1000字以内 偶要600左右就够了 e^x+4/e^x-2的最小值 y=x*e^(-x)在x∈[2,4]上的最小值为 若x>1,则x+[4/(x-1)]的最小值 为 Kelly has no _________(free) to do what she likes. Sally and Kelly _are talking _ in the room.(对划线部分提问) __ __ Sally and Keally____in the room( )————good weather it is today !A.What B.How C.What a C.How a急i! --What was she doing?--Ifound her _____ in the room.A.sang B.singing C.sings D.to sing She was playing in the gym.What was John doing?Hewas eating lunch in the dining room. 若A={ x|x2-px-q=0},B={ x|x2-qx-p=0},且A∩B={1},求A∪B.求结果及过程 |x-1|+|x|+|y-1|+|y+1|最小值 【语法 句子理解】I took the young Irish setter for a little walk up the road and alongI took the young Irish setter for a little walk up the road and along a frozen creek...Irish up the road and along a frozen creek是做状语么?什么状 something i go ( )《shop》 with my sister. 介词填空:Walk _______along the road,you can see the cinema.请告知理由, I went to the city with my sister改否定形式拜托各位了 3Q 2008年海峡两岸交流交往的重大事件 海峡两岸08—09年发生的大事一定要全啊!多举几个我要做成PPT的,(标清年份) 某数的小数点向左移动两位后,所得的数比原数要小15.84,求原数是多少? 点蜡烛意味着什么?为什么要点蜡烛? 海峡两岸关系发展的重大事件 求排序的 123456789 1.数列{an}共有12项,其中a1=0,a5=2,a12=5,的个数为且|a(k+1)-ak|(是第k项,k+1项)=1,k=123……11,则满足这种条件的不同数列的个数为?(将函数y=sinx(0≤x≤2π)的图像绕坐标 课题“我们需要食品添加剂吗?”教学设计 第4题速解, 速答第(4)题 造成海峡两岸隔绝的原因 造成海峡两岸分裂的原因? 如何计算铜皮电阻 铜母排的电阻怎么计算? Sorry,you can reply to each message a max.of 3 times. so +助动词+主语与so +主语+助动词的区别?