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英语翻译今年12月份的六级考试,我的听力中(短对话对了6个,长对话对了4个,短文对了9个,填词对了6个);完形填空对了12个;快速阅读对了7个;仔细阅读(前5道对了4个,后10道对了4个);翻 六级听力选择对18个单词对4个快读错1个深读对5个完形对12个句子翻译基本对作文良/请帮忙估算下能考几分谢刚考的六级:听力选择题对18个,单词对4个,句子对1个,快速阅读错了1个,深入阅读 写出同义句[初一英语]When is your birthday?____________________________________注意一定要是初一上学期的句型越简单越好,满意加分 本人英语不好,第一个回答就采纳. 英语问答句怎么写!快上初中了,想好好补补英语.想从问答句下手.可是怎么也看不懂.希望大家可以详细的跟我说说问答句的形式.怎么构成.大家帮我翻译下:‘人走的很快吗?’这句话.‘吗’ 以hello,boys and girls开头的作文是什么文体 Hello,Boys and girls,w_____ to china.填写所缺单词.Hello,Boys and girls,w_____ to china.What`s your p_____ number?65886620W_____ is that girl rad?What does she look l_____How do you s_____ it?Who is your f_____ film 四季沐歌太阳能集中集热分户储热太阳能系统中缓冲水箱的作用? 太阳能的储水箱里有一定水温的时候里面有没有压力?虽然有个排气孔,是不是要到一定压力时才排气呢,就像是高压锅安全孔原理一样呢? 集中集热-分户储热太阳能系统中缓冲水箱的容积如何选取? 用单词适当形式填空I like _____(read) books.Last week ,I ____(read) a book about geography.Now I_____(read) a about history. 填写单词的正确形式 学到英语Unit5,希望有正确答案!1、Ding junhui shows his great s______at playing billiards(台球).2、Some people know little about b______.They'd better ask the doctors about it.3 The cost of the trip to Xi'an 补充对话 A:__________?B:To the movies?A:Yes,what about you?B:______. what和how的用法及区别 ——Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?——I'd love to.By the way,what will be_?A.on B.in C.over D.down 修改一篇高中水平的英语作文.主题是健康饮食.Dear friends,As we all know,we are what we eat.Therefore,it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits.First of all,I want to list some bad eating habits.Some of us ofen go scho What do you think of thrillers?_______.I don't often go to movies.A I love them B.I don't mindthem C.I can't stand them D.I don't mind them应选哪个? 英语翻译1 就业压力 (就业压力的与日俱增,使许多有志青年选择创业)2 “与之不成比例” (面对商品的大量需求,我们却面对着与之不成比例的货物的供给) 求新概念英语2的lesson1--lessen10的课文 -boys and girls,please_____your compositions after class-oh,my god!I____it at homeAhand in,forgot Bhand in,left Cgive out,forgot Dhand out,left Boys and girls,please come into the classroom,it's very cold o_在横线上填空 listen 【】me please,boys and girls ( )1.What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?” A.六分之一 B.人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半 ( )2.What three letters turn a girl into a woman?A.Sun B.DAB C.EYE D.EGA ( )3.We don’t want it.It’s Boys and girls,please get r for class What's the chinese for ‘six of one and half of the other’?A六分之一B人云亦云C半斤八两D见面分一半What's 吹牛 in english?A.talk big cowB.talk big houseC.blow cowD.talk bigWhat three letters turn a girl into a woman?A.SUNB.DABC.EY What's the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other” 请教下学英语的朋友,You have my life in the other half.Know what?I will always keep you up to the last, 这句英文哪错了They observed the thief to steal something from the shop. 英语句子错误在哪?为什么错?I have eaten the local food,for eaample,meat.I hope could into the Oxford University. 英语这句话哪错了Sitting up late last night,Tom not only read the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet.哪里错了 这个英语句子哪里错了~Using thestandard terminology in the quiet room to completethe assessment once. 英语句子对错My hosting family forgot the content of the email which Mr Lei send to us这句话的意思是“我的寄宿家庭忘记了雷先生发给我们的邮件的内容”吗?My hosting family forgot all the informations of the email whi