
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:46:01
给咱起个英文名字,咱叫于子轩、、3Q~咱是男生 ,学生 ,最好发音像德 ,最好子轩的音都包括 这样填有没有错 这样对不,对的话给我解一下,错了就回答 城市人和农村人 交换的一个节目一个节目是做一个有钱人和一个很穷家人的交换两个孩子,一个家里很有钱,一个家里很穷,然后两个人做一个调换有钱人去穷人家里,穷人去有钱人家里 过一段 被除数的末尾有0,商的末尾也一定有0,我判断的是错,这样做对吗 我这样做到底是对还是错? 默写错了罚抄课文,老师这样做合理吗月考默写再别康桥的句子,写错了一个字,要求把全文抄10遍.我还算好的,有些人再别康桥、雨巷都错了,全都得抄10遍.觉得量太多了,觉得抄多了根本起不到 you are everywhere -big baby driver 空间链接发我么 Tom d____ maths 风筝有什么特点? 风筝的特色? 风筝通信的特点传说在春秋战国时代,有名的木匠鲁班就曾仿照鸟的造 型“削竹为鹊,成而飞之,三日不下”.墨子也曾造过“木鸢”.这大概就是风筝的前身.军事上利用风筝通信的例子,史书上 How many students are there in the classroom?_____fifty students.I think.A.As for B.At once接上 C.At most D.At least 要理由 为什么选这个 能不能把you are everywhere Big Baby Driver的 mp3也给我?go2africa@126.com but a dog makes his living by giving nothing but 分析下语法 Tom makes his sister a doll同义句is a friend of my father's同义句what can we get ( )forests?of on from forwe have( )homework to do today.a lot many lot of a lot of That's a wonderful film!___ I think it's the best film I've ever seenA I agreeB I disagree Tom ()(help)his mother at home during the coming August.将来时 The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had一句歌词他最好的梦为什么是复数The dream in which I'm dying is the best I've ever had 这样行不行? Wang Lin gave Tom a flower yesterday变为被动语态怎么写? He doesn't like to go out on Sunday.He usually _____time with his family at home.A.stays B.spends C.pays D.takes3.If I _______(not do)it now,I'll never have a chance again.6.Mr Brown won't let us in if we ______(late)for class.10.Michael spent half h The best teacher I Ever Had的意思? his mother has an english storybook改为一般疑问句 you don't really have as much free time as you expect because you cannot leave work behind at the office翻译整个句子 特别 说一下behind 在这里的意思 Mum____(buy)a big pumpkin___(make)pumpkin pies what a lovely card where did you buy it?i made it by Good idear I got the news t____ my wife who also heard from her friend 填什么单词并且翻译一下 There was smoke ______ out of the wing,when I looked out of the window.选项:A.comingB.comeC.cameD.to come急 That is a good e_____.下划线填什么? 填写动物的词语什么死什么悲 What do you want me to do to make you accept me?这句话的意思是什么