
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:40:23
暂无录取轨迹信息是什么意思 录取没有轨迹是什么意思 for certain=certainly吗? 一句英语“I’m will become big shot”I’m will become big shot这句话对吗?big shot前面应不应该加“a”? 英语填空 If he leaves,it will be a big l_____ to our company.l____ 填写合适的词. 人名的茜字如何读音?字典里明明说做人名读XI音呀! 有什么英文发音跟中文发音“茜慧”相似的? 茜 这个字有没有bai 的读音 有的吧一定要有阿 用英语说自己“性格倔强、固执”,用哪个单词比较合适?注意是说自己的,所以不要用太难听的哦 金山词霸上查了很多,但不知道哪个更常用、更口语化 该轨道灯是否用于单线路供电轨道?这里的单线路供电轨道什么意思,什么原理 高三英语的.()is expected,according to the online survey,is that housing price can't go up any more.A.WhichB.WhatC.itD.as答案是选B,为什么不选as, pat him off the shoulder与pat him on the shoulder的区别 Someone patted him on the shoulder.怎么翻译? she misses him on sunday the most 歌词 请问hit the shoulder on Ken him怎么排序还有played football in Mike his friends the park with 怎么排序啊 怎样写好作文?是作文有感情? 怎么写好作文?有感情? Currently not Available 中文意思是什么? Not only the twins but also their friend show interest in scienceNot only the twins but also their friend _____(show) interest in scienceThey will give out ____(advertise) on Sunday 421 service not available,closing control connection怎么回事? 求答案,要详细,谢谢! professional,be,will,become,a,singer,he,able,to 如何说服倔强性格的人 go,never,if,college,singer,to,become,will,I,I,a(.)(连词成句)Do more speaking,and you can improve your spoken English.(改为含有条件状语从句的复合句)()()do more speaking,()()improve your spoken English. welcome next time这句话能和老外分别时说吗? welcome you next time的welcome可以改为see吗 Don't stop _______you meet with a word you don't understandA.at thar time B.each time C.sometimes D.when every time 外语好的来啊...有句话想请朋友们译一下...“我可以理解你的失误但我不能原谅你不尝试”;“其实一个号码是不能令一个球员出名,相反应该是一个球员去令一个号码出名!”-Thierry Henry 把 We ()thirty students six things and asked them some questions.A visited B showed C gave D saw What About Tomorrow 歌词 I am a【】puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject.a开头的 ,()you know the () of tea? They stay with my famliy for two days.用tomorrow替换咋写