
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 09:23:51
出污泥而不染的人并列出事迹来 如何让自己的口语变好变得标准 shoud have done sth是完成时的结构吗? have done与have been done的区别, what differences between " as" and " like"”像”意思上的区别 口语里面称对方是“美女”该用什么词? 怎么了用英语怎么说,以p字母开头,就是当对话时对方没听清楚的一个口语词 英语口语中对对方表示不满的词?比如:1、Are you kidding me?2、You shit!3、Are you crazy?4、You suck!5、Your are bullshit!6、You ass!7、桑那么白痴!8、what`s the 法克!9、God damn!10、Kick your ass!对熟人,生人或突 在英语课堂上如何操练英语短语 I think it's his car的意思 口语问答(用英语回答以下问题,)一、口语(回答的时候不要用翻译器,翻译器翻出来语法不对.)1.If you were a teacher what would do when you meet naughty kids?2.What is the hardest part in learning English?Why?3.Wha (口语答题)有几个用英语回答的问题需要解决一下(需要在讲台上演讲,但不用太长,100字以内吧)1.“Beauty”“Wisdom”and“Money”which isthe most important to you?And Why?2.In your opinion,what makes more peo A.without B.north C.throw 哪一个单词的发音与其他两个不同? 请问英文单词north怎么造句? aunt cathy读啥?英语 aunt英语读(a:nt)同音字是什么? to+动词+宾语成分 与动词+ing+宾语成分有什么区别?比如说to go home与going home用在同一句子中有什么区 为什么boy的复数是gay 英语动词怎样要家ing怎样不用? girl的对应词是什么?1.we should I ( )carefully in the class.2.The boy is very good today.这句话哪个地方错了!3.We are in class One.这句话错哪里了! 刷微博看到“作girl”这个词, 用洋洋得意怎么造句? They worked hard all their livies,wasting not a single moment.翻译, 麻烦请翻译这句话They read a lot and worked hard all their lives, never wasted a single minute It is during coffee breaks _____ he usually sits in front of the computer and plays online gamesA.sinceB.whenC.thatD.before选哪个?为什么? there are five people in a ( ) team a.volleyball b.tennis c.basketball d.football There are two players in this sport.It is______A.football B.basketball C.volleyball D.tennis 国泰民安 罪魁祸首 轻举妄动 前仆后继……造句国泰民安 罪魁祸首 轻举妄动 前仆后继 派头十足 郑人买履 头昏眼花草毯泥毡 死里逃生 来龙去脉 号啕大哭 壮志凌云 ,这些词里选 哈哈大笑造句 轻举妄动造句!谁有!力求啊 his mother often him a story before he went to sleep 处用tells还是told 1.So nowdays more and more parents don't know how to c_____ with rhere children2.Young people,on the other hand,feel that they want to l____ their lives themselves,instead of being told what to do