
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 03:05:59
猫一般是不是有四个灯亮着呢?中间两个为什么间接闪烁呢? ever lie 是啥?……谎言?那个lie好像就是谎言ever 这个在这里干什么呢?Put up your hand if you ever lie. be based on是被动语态还是主系表结构例如His failure in the test is based on the fact.为什么 focused on 那部分省略了which is 应该是关系词做了主语 谓语动词为实词的情况吧 何是被动语态Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs which a research center focused on the genetics o be on 表上演时有无被动语态 be based on中的based是被动语态吗 1、i want to buy three () of trousers 2、today is my birthday.my dather () me a computer This is our final be focused on这里的focused是被动语态吗? 人作主语还是物做主语 be focused on be concentrated on be focused on=be____ to specifically用什么可以代替be focused on 用什么代替而不改变该句子的结构和意思?specifically,Facebook is focused on in this studyspecifically用什么可以代替be focused on 用什么代替而不改变该句子的结构和意 我的猫接通电源为什么电源灯不亮,是不是工作才灯才亮啊?POWER LINK DATA PC 英语翻译翻译(不要直译):No act is too small,no kindness too insignificant,no positive word too uninspired. A person is a person,no matter how small.生命就是生命,不管多小.是这样翻译 'No act of kindness,no matter how small,is ever wasted. 探索月球奥秘 综合性学习 急学习完本单元,七年级(6)班准备以学习小组为单位于12月5日下午四点整,在学校科技楼一楼开展一次“探索月球奥秘”主题知识竞赛,相信你一定会积极参与.(1 战争题材 用简洁的语言写最感动的故事 不知道怎么写语文综合性学习啊,急!为促进我省“文化惠民工程”的实施,开展“献力”文化惠民工程的综合性活动,完成下面题目 1、为吸引更多民众到图书馆学习,请你为馆藏的《骆驼祥 Please tell me what day is tomorrow.Tomorrow?Oh,it's_______.A SaturdayB the first of JanuaryC half past fiveD January first A:Hi,Alice!A nice day,isn`t it?B:Yes.Spring is coming.Plant trees tomorrow,_ A:Tomorrow?TomorrowA:Hi,Alice!A nice day,isn`t it?B:Yes.Spring is coming.Plant trees tomorrow,_A:Tomorrow?Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!填入一个句 Feeling nice! l hope u will come here in malaysia soon let me know after you get your ticke求租翻译一下哦 envelope是 envelope的复数 I scrambled to think of an answer to what had obviously become a trick question. 于园最后一句能否去掉,为什么 envelope可数吗 If the company wants to fire a person, they have to give hm or her three months' ____________noticeadviceinformationmessage选什么,为什么? If the company wants to fire a person,they have to give him or her three months'_______noticeadviceinformationmessage选什么,为什么? whenever a company wants to fire an employee they have to give him three months'____A.noticeB.adviceC.informationD.messageA这句话的意思是?但是这个句子好像没有 含有提前的意思啊?没有说提前通知这个意思啊? If the boss wants to fire me ,he should get me ____three days before the deadline.A to informB informed