
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:22:51
小明有5分和2分硬币共20枚共值6角4分那么其中2分和5分硬币个多少枚 西班牙语单词前面的la el 是怎么回事?可以略去吗 21枚2分和5分的硬币 共是6角6分 其中2分和5分的硬币各几枚先找等量关系 再解设 列方程组 解方程组 答 小明有2分和5分的硬币共20枚,共值6角5分.那么其中2分和5分的硬币各有多少枚? 21枚2分与5分的硬币,共是6角6分,其中2分与5分的硬币各是多少 we want to know more about _____(Asia) 明明关心却彼此伤害用英语怎么说 用英语怎么说 More and more people in the world want to know more____China. A.about B.from C .with选哪个 Don't waste time( )computer games.you'd better spend more time on your studyA.play B.playing C.to play D.to be played We should be more careful _____much time on computer games.A.not to spendB.to not spendC.not to costD.not take to crazy of you to spend more time playing computer games than you ______ studying.It’s crazy of you to spend more time playing computer games than you ______ studying.A.are B.do C.have D.will You'd better not spend ___ time playing computer games.A.too muchB.too manyC.many tooD.much too 英语翻译 西班牙语“Para que asi conste,se firm a la presente a los 3 dias del mes de julio del ano 2008.意西班牙语“Para que asi conste,se firm a la presente a los 3 dias del mes de julio del ano 2008. 八戒爱悟空是什么意思 描写猪八戒的歇后语有什么? 孙悟空号称( )和( ),他( )深深的赢得了人们的喜爱.猪八戒本是仙界的( ),他( )因此当众出丑.另一方面,他也不失( )同时( )自有它的可爱之处【问题和问题补充是一道题,请大 为什么八戒缺点很多,有时甚至可恶,却依然为人所喜爱? this computer is two expensive 找出错误 并改正 This computer is so expensive改错 this car is very expensive.(改为感叹句) this computer is cheap.that computer is expensive 合并为一句that computer is ()()that this one. nationality这个词怎么记?这个词我死记硬背记下来的,过了两天就忘了,郁闷哦.有没有什么好的方法记住这个词呢?以前我就是根据发音来记的,但这个词音标太难了不知道怎么记 改写句子 Linda likes singing.She likes dancing,too.(用as well as) 亚历山大对希腊文学,艺术,哲学的影响亚历山大是如何迅速征服波斯帝国以及他对整个希腊的影响 The price of the computer is very___now.A.high B.expensive C.cheap D.low the price of the book is very expensive 哪里错了是把什么改成什么 the price of the car is very expensive怎么改错 The price of the shorts is very _dear cheap expensive high 选完后解释一下其他为什么不对,那价格便宜应该用什么单词 The price of the maglev is very ____,isn't it?A,high B,cheap C,expensive D,dear 中文意思:she he wanted to read abook.