
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 20:02:27
提高英语口语有没有速成的方法?= = 最快的途径是什么? use to 的中文意思 how to use 是啥意思 use for ,use to ,use as use for ,use to ,use as use to do的意思是什么呢?讲一讲use的常用法 "my pen is biue my friend is you"这句话是什么意思? 若要学一个小语种什么比较有前途?我是学化工的 快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives为什么A不行.. The temperature will fall above zero tomorrow moening,Please remember to put on ___clothes.A.much B.more C.most D.a lot For the southwest,it will be rainy tomorrow ,and the temperature will ______ above zero. TEMPERATURE WILL STAY IN THE 附加一句:IT WILL REMAIN COOL,HOWEVER,WITH HIGHS IN THE MID-40S TO LOW-50S If you go away,I'll be blue.I'll miss you when you leave谁帮我解释这句话 最好准确点~ shanghai′s temperature will stay __ zero. we shall all miss you when you go awayall是不是必须放在助动词或情态动词后面?放在实义动词前面?如果不是请说说all的位置 求一首英文歌曲的名字 女生唱的 开头是 when you are go away如题 在midd-516上找的 (你们懂的)when you are go away much every moveyou could go whether wayxxxxxxxxx i find i can play xxthe summer season has pasted never came where只有在主语从句中做成分吗?晕了,where到底能不能在从句中作主语或宾语...如果能,是什么从句?谁能救救我啊~T^T. 主语从句和宾语从句区别?只区别于从句做什么成分吗? 谁可以用做梦来形容一个句子谁可以用做梦来形容一句子,梦醒来什么都没有了,字不用很太长,简单最好伤感点.》 区分especially,particularly和specially?请从词义和用法两方面区分!· in particular,particularly,especially,specially的区别详细举例说明 The telephone is( )ring).Answer it,please.She tries( )(move)the big box,and she makes it.What( )the word( )(mean)?I often see him( )(walk)in the street.After a long walk,all the visitors stop( ).A.to have a short rest B.to having a short rest C.havin 请问:千里之行,始于足下.英语怎么说比较好. “千里之行,始于足下”用英语怎么说用简洁的英语回答 “植树节始于1872年”用英语怎么说.A..starts in the year 1872B..was started in the year 1872 我爱你,始于初见止于终老.英语怎么说语法要正确. 月亮会哭是因为没有星星的陪伴…而燕子哭了是因为什么? 从月球上看地球是什么颜色的?注意 哦是从 月球 看 Monkeys can work out easy Maths problems.(Monkeys can work out easy Maths problems.(改为同义句)Minkeys can work out Maths problems that_____ _____ _____.She did't help her mother do any housework until she was fifteen.(改为同义句)She_____ _ Susan would have come to help, had it been possible, but she _______ so busy then.(A) had been (B) were (C) was (D) would be 月亮为什么总是没有星星的陪伴? 创新思变 英文翻译 程函将来的计划是什么英语翻译