
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:32:40
这个字是读zao吗? 我需要romeo and juliet 的英文版,还有梁山伯与祝英台的英文版,当然必须是电子版,不能是剧本啊,我百度谷歌了,都没用,都是剧本,我要的是原著,梁山伯与祝英台可以是翻译版的,但别是少儿读物 数学因式分解(非高手勿进)分合理的要多少有多少计算:(1-1/2^2)(1-1/3^2)(1-1/4^2)``````(1-1/10^2)叙述出来就是1减2的平方分之一,后面的依次类推.尽量用公式法中的平方差. 已知x+3y=6,x+3y-2xy+2z^2=0,求x^(2y+z)已知x+y-2是多项式x^2+axy+by^2-5x+y+6的一个因式,求a,b的值.如果(x-a)(x-4)-1能够分解成两个多项式(x+b)与(x+c)的积(b,c为整数),求a 我国政体是什么 我国政体的性质是什么? 父亲欠的债要儿子还吗我父亲外面借了大概有几十万的债(都用作其赌资或其他其个人私用),现在债务多了就跑掉了,请问做儿子的有责任还吗?听说是没有父债子还的说法但是老家有套房子 父亲欠的债儿子一定要还吗?儿子上初一时也就是2001年,父亲向银行货款3万元开厂,不到两年的时间由于技术不过关最后关门了.随后儿子辍了学,父亲从此一直在外打工,由于年龄大只能赚到自 L ife fl o ats like t h is ,me c hanicall y like t h is shareholder's fund 中文意思 1.Would you like something to d__?2.Today is Monday and t__is Tuesday.3.A new m__is on show inthe cinema today. 窃听器可以gps跟踪的那种叫什么 I Live To Love You 歌词 写一段描写春雨怎么写 I'd love to.翻译 描写春雨的好句 你怎样界定设计的范畴? zao场哪个zao dai( )表 dai( )动 zao( )炉 春雨古诗,描写了什么时候的景象根据诗意展开想象,写一段话 春雨就像什么(写一段话) He decided ________Canada for a vacation .A.in B.on C.to 描写春雨的语句雨大的时候and雨小的时候各2句 描写春雨下得大的一段话 英语翻译 千字文内容急! 千字文里有多少子 英语翻译It seems that I haven't been on this space for a long time!Maybe for a couple of months.Last year 2007,for me,is an unpleasant year,I can feel that!Looking back to those days when everything went against me,failing in the competitions,str 英语翻译At first glance I would have never known the value that lied within you,For such a tender age of sixteen you don’t often see the things in life that are so true.But then as I got to know you my heart just began to melt,For these were no no miss,no pian no wish,no disappointment 请帮我翻译一下这片英语文章内容如下: The fast speed of light produces some odd facts.It costs about 8 minutes for sunlight to reach us.If you look at the light of the moon tonight,remember that the light rays left the moon 1.3 secon He decided to go by plane,a_____ he hated flying.2.The studies at school are very competitive;every one wants to be trhe t______ students and gers high marks in the exam.