
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 18:09:48
长方体的体积为24立方厘米,长和宽的比为三比二,高与宽的比为一比四,求长方体的长 这个英文句子正确吗?Compared with the steady rise of the figures in two western countries,the figure in Japan levelled out at 3% during the following 20 years. ( )you( )ping pang with your classmate?a.are,playing b.did,play c.will,play d.have,played.i do not know( ) a.where is lynn b,how can i get there?c,what does he do at school.d.who put the present here? 有关非谓语的题目The United States,ever willing to point its finger at others,became the accused when th US Track and field______more than positive drug tests in the past two years.A was said to haveB were said to have haoC is sai to haveD was 用最简洁的话,总结猫的特点 what in the world does the thematic implication of the compelling and thought-provoking image above virtually attemp to mirror? Do you have a coid(初2作文)RT.50词左右.2篇 不要复制的啊.内容就是说你应该干什么.不应该干什么谢谢了!是cold 感冒 What's worse,I was never given any really important responsibility to demonstrate my ability,because your casual attitude to the facts showed that you didn’t care about what I am doing. 关于感谢对方订购了100箱衬衫2建议用纸箱而不用!木箱装运,并列举纸箱的优点,(比如 纸箱代替木箱 【语法,虚拟语气】Thus I closed my eyes,as if I were to sleep.这是与过去事实相反,从句应该用过去完成时才对,为什么反而用were?不是只有与现在事实相反的从句才用were吗? 《隆中对》里的主要人物是谁? 隆中对里人物姓名事件或功劳性格 我是初一的,要用英语来描述警察的工作特点,难度不要太高,急用如果可以的话,帮忙想些板式,是要做受手抄报 Have you ever been __ by others?横线上填一个以f开头的单词 Do you have aheadache or a---?横线添什么?为什么 ----------do you have a PE Lesson?横线里应该填什么? cwalk要怎么练基础?重心怎么把握,以及弹性、速度要怎么练? 但愿你是我最美的风景,我是你久等的归人 但愿你是我最美的风景,我是你久等的归人 这句话是从哪里出来的? 历史文言选择难题!求解(保甲法)“教阅保甲,公私劳贵,而无所用之,敛免役钱,宽富而困贫,以养浮浪之人,使农民失业,穷愁无告……这实际代表了()A.农民利益 B.贫民利益C.商人利益D.大官 英语翻译 关于EIGRP 的FSWhich condition must be satisfied before an EIGRP neighbor can be considered a feasible successor?Select the best response.A.The neighbor's advertised distance must be less than or equal to the feasible distance of the current succes EIGRP AS号和BGP AS号的区别是什么 英语翻译译为"灭亡前的罗马帝国"合适否?如何理解此处Fall的意思呢? EIGRP里面什么是匹配as号 我想问下eigrp当中的as号跟bgp的as号有什么不同的地方吗? it is not as hard as you thought it would be ,and it is twice as rewarding as you might have hoped. 简述一下"the Roman Empire"请帮我简述一下the Roman Empire的情况,它的兴起和衰落的原因和年代等,不要太长,最好是英文的.谢谢! It succeeds Latin imposed by the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church.翻译! My hometown is home to many well-known entrepreneurs.这里使用TO 还是FOR 为什么用TO EIGRP什么意思?