
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 03:17:38
口是心非的反义词是什么?一定要正确答案 口是心非的反义词是什么啊? a万籁俱寂 b无忧无虑 c无足轻重 d滥竽充数 e口是心非 它们的反义词成语是? 狡猾的反义词是什么 狡猾的反义词 1.The old lady's hand shook frequently.She explained to her doctor_____this shaking had begun half a year before,and ____,only because of this,she had been forced to give up her job.A.when ; howB.how ; whenC.how ; howD.why ; why 此题选c,为什么 Directors of hand,and both old son糸乜嘢意思? She is the only one of his daughters ____been adroad.A.which has B.which have C.who hasDwho have 说下原因. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》这篇课文想我们推荐的是英国作家笛福写的什么 英国著名作家笛福代表作品是《鲁宾逊漂流记》请你用简洁的语言写出这部小说的内容提要. 虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,用什么?If I had worked hard at school,I _____ an engineer,too.A.would be B.would have been选哪个,为什么呢? 贝尔罗斯(广州)工程塑料有限公司,用英语怎么说? if he had worked hard at high school ,he would be a college student like you today 为什么是would be不是had been 人们的生活不应该是这样 用英语怎么说?(《美女与野兽》中贝尔唱的一句) regret not having worked hard at schoolI regret _____ hard at school,or I would have succeeded in passing the exam.选项:a、not to work b、having not worked c、to have not worked d、 not having worked 选D.为什么A不对?我知道regret to do 1.你每天打扫这个教室么?2.看,今天是多么好的天气 3.bell不爬树 用英语怎么说 英国棉纺织业的棉花从哪里来 英国作家笛福的长篇小说鲁滨逊漂流中所描写的海中荒岛,小说主人公还在荒岛上救了一个遇难的奴隶,取名叫什么 I hope that have a good result after three years错没 英国作家笛福以真实事件为素材写成的小说是: 英国现实小说奠基者 是笛福还是菲尔丁? 跪求贝爷荒野求生美语+中文字幕求发,死也别是国语 介绍某人给某人用英语怎么说 中国科技与外国科技的差距要具体说明(事例) 与欧美迅速发展形成鲜明对此的是近代中国的贫穷与落,是什么因素造成这种巨大差异 the produce wil to a nearbby center that provides food for homeless peoplethe produce will_____ to a nearbby center that provides food for homeless people a.go b.see c.send d.donate Ten years later we still are friends.Whether rich or poor,I always ..you are my friend After 20 帮我翻译过来 这句话的意思是After 10 years,20 years,or even 50 years,we are still good friends. If I ( )harder at school,I would have a better job nowA.work B.worked C.had worked D.should work throw 过去分词 sell的过去分词 you can __去取a dictionary from the library