
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:17:51
《骆驼祥子》中,祥子的梦想是什么? 《骆驼祥子》中,祥子最大的梦想是啥米? What are you ( ) doing?这个题相当的怪异,我不知道是不是出错了?反正在我印象当中,只有What are you doing?举个例子 改错:I wish I am rich.我知道wish后的从句要用虚拟语气,但I 后面到底用was 还是用were?这两种我都见过. I would go abroad but that I _____ poor.A.am B.was C.shall be D.were 炫耀的近义词是----( )羞愧的近义词是----( ) I`m Wendy.Kate, Ben and Mike are my friends.翻译 像莲花一样的有哪些名人?我们要写以花喻人的作文~ 喜爱荷花的名人的故事名人与荷的故事 蓝天的天上飘着的浮云像一块一块的红绸子比喻 排比 夸张 拟人 设问 反问 天上飘着浮云.(把句子写具体) 计算6分之一时,它们的()不同,不能直接相加,要先()再进行计算 英国谚语有什么 羞愧的近义词是什么 英国的国家格言是什么 羞愧的近义词羞愧的近义词羞愧的近义词 leaving her father and her living together (翻译) If a man wants you,nothing can keep him away.If he doesn't,nothing can make him stay what’s wrong的另一种表达方式三个单词! what's wrong?的分析.还要有例句 what‘s wrong中的wrong什么意思 内涵的反义词避让的反义词 “内涵”的反义词帮帮忙………………………… The doctor can do nothing__(help)him. I could to nothing to help him(改为同意句) I三个空填什么to hep him i do nothing to help you.i do something to help you.不定式是后置定语还是状语表示目的 就真相 英语翻译I won't give up,gonna take you prisoner of lovetake prisoner是【法】 俘虏,使...成俘虏 这句话的意思难道是我不愿醒来,我要你成为爱的奴隶感觉不太通 以“与莲有关的君子”为话题,写一篇不少于600字的文章 跪求一篇以莲为话题的童话作文. 求比爱情道理的句子黎,越多越好,要广州话噶, 英语翻译Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work,especially when you’re a thin 14-year-onld.That was me in 1940-the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City’s Pennsylvania Railway Station.After just a few days on t 英语翻译When you go to the seaside,maybe you will notice that the wind very often comes from the land in the early part of the day,but in the evening,the wind blows in the opposite direction.Why does this happen?In the morning,when the sun rises,