
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:48:31
木村脱鞋是什么意思 第5、6、10题, 帮忙做些题 把下列句子改为被动语态1.the singer is going to give a concert2.thet used to do it this way3.Nancy used to do it this way4.they had to clean the snow from the job easily5.Margaret is able to finish the job easily6.i told him 将下列句子变为被动语态...共8句1.Many people speak English in the world.2.I can finish the work soon.3.You'd better do the work carefully.4.They often talk about their school life.5.We need two more pens.6.We mustn't laugh at others.7.The 将下列句子改为被动语态I left my bag in the library yesterday.The students clean the classroom every day.Linda’s parents took her to Paris last week.I will ask the boys to join the club.I’m going to build a house in my yard.I will send 科学以__________为研究对象,自然界由各种__________组成,物质在不断__________之中 自然界是由____的物质和_____的物质组成的.其中有生命的物体叫________. 自然界中最硬物质的组成元素 将下列句子改成一般疑问句.I am a docter.He read a book yesterday.He goes to the park on Sundays.My friend has bought a large house.He could see some trees here when he was young. 把下面句子改成一般疑问句1、I have some beautiful pad.2、She has already had breakfast.3、He bought a new envelope last month.4、That is a green car.5、He wants to buy the car himself.6、She is reading a story book.7、He is a teache 将下面这句话改成一般疑问句Amy's got a new dress.还有就是为什么句子里的“Amy’s”里有“is”,为什么要这样用? 把这句改成下面的疑问句,改对了吗?he must remain in bedmust he remain in bed? 将句子改成一般疑问句1 I'm going to look for the eggs.______ _____ _____ to look for the egg?2 They are happy._____ _____happy?3 The students are getting on the bus,_____the students _____on the bus. 干鞋器什么牌子好家里的鞋比较多点 干鞋器什么牌子的好 干鞋器电路干鞋器坏了,我想自己重新接上,想知道两只干鞋器是并联还是串联. 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 找出自然界中由魔法数学组成的图案 自然界中由魔法数学组成的图案有哪些比如蜂窝、蜘蛛网这种有规律的图案,最好是自然形成的 错误选项怎么改? 我从运动会中学到( )作文 高中作文运动会中的你我他高中作文运动会中的你或我或他 怎么写作文?要求800字以上. 高中生物32题d选项错在哪? 高中运动会作文需要一个运动会作文 700多字的 求高中运动会的投稿短文如题 用1,2,3,4,5这五个数字(1)可以组成多少个没有重复数字的五位数?(2)可以组成多少个没有重复数字的五位奇数?(3)可以组成多少个没有重复数字的五位偶数?(4)可以组成多少个没有重复 自我介绍,要有特点、特长、不足、和对自己的希望(入初中作文) 我的优点