
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:57:04
This is the last straw.书上翻译是:我再也忍不下去了.如果不看书我觉得我会翻译成:这是最后的禾秆..我想在知道,书上的翻译具体是怎么出的. 初三作图题在这样的一个8×8的方格里,每个边长为1,要求做一个梯形,周长为整数(梯形的概念不是2边平行 还有2边不平行吗,怎么做呢) 初三画图题在表格中有直角三角形ABC和点o,将三角形ABC以点o为旋转中心逆时针旋转90度,180度,270度,请画出旋转后的图形.儿子考试的一道题,画出来了,但扣了两分,不知这道作图题有何要求,怎样 初三圆的作图题(写大致做法就可以了)急已知AB=4,求坐圆O,使它的半径为3,且经过点A和点B 如图△为锐角三角形,在点P为△ABC内任意一点 1 请在图一画出使∠BPC=90°我会的2 请在图中画出使∠BPC=120°的所有点3 请在图中求一点P使得PA+PB+PC最短 说理由 一道初三圆的作图题 M为圆O内一点,作弦AB 过点M,且AM=BM写出作图步骤就行了, 求解数列极限,不要洛必达法则n趋向于无穷大,求(1+3+5+...+2n+1)/[(n^3+1)*sin(1/n)]我的做法当时是:首先用等差数列公式把分子求和,然后用立方和公式把分母里的n^3+1打开,然后约分.结果最后得到: We are very surprised it are beauteiul howWe are very surprised it are beautiful how 词典的这句翻译到底对着不?这句的语法如果不对,那它应该怎样改一下(汉意:我们很惊讶它是多么美丽)可以把它改为 be s We were very much surprised简单英语选择题 .请进.We were very much surprised.we were___ surprised.(A).more (B).many (C).most (D).the most We were very much surprised .这句话为什么不能用very much 当后缀? We are very surprised to find that he has so many books that they have piled up to the _______ of his study.A. top B. tip C. ceiling D. roof请辨析一下,这四个词有什么区别,最好能详细举例 keep,go on,last,continue的区别都有持续,继续的意思``请分别举例说明还有go on与be on的区别 last for、go on 、keep up都是些神么意思啊,一般怎么用? I------(go) on a big last year. That is( )mother.( )is a teacher and( )student love her very much. 括号填什么? go on,last,continue作继续讲时有何区别 my mother is very s________with me .but i love her very much.1,my mother is very s________with me .but i love her very much.2,after running long hours i am very t________ i want to have arestmusic is realaxing and p.e.is e_______.we all like them谢 where did you go on last weekend?中的go on 在此为何意? 英语词类问题请列举如:形容词+名词之类的我想了解下有几种形式是词类修饰,就是什么类型词接什么类型词,如形容词接名词。 英语 词类 问题请帮忙解决代词/副词/冠词/介词/连词/感叹词/在英语语句中如何运用,并请将各个词类举例说明一下. Has he got an email _____ Chinese A .in B .with C .at D .for 应该选哪个呀? 英语 根据句意级首字母提示填写句子 I had a Chinese t__ yesterday got an "A" I very much believe that you 翻译中文 英语翻译Dear Sirs (Your Order No.764) We have received your letter of July 15 and very much regret the delay which has occurred in the execution of your Order No.764.This was occasioned by a serious breakdown in our supplier's machinery,in conseq Can you go fishing with me this afternoon (作肯定回答) ____ ,I'd love to .Can you go fishing with me this afternoon (作肯定回答)____ ,I'd love to .为什么这个空填Sure,填Yes不行吗? love.you.and.you中文是 kim always studies english very hard.so he always ____in the english test 1.gets good grades2.gets lots of exercise3.won the first prize 4.got good grades .I am going to get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese,.I am going to get better grades.I Suzy has good grades____Chinese,English and History.A.on B.in C.for D.as 选什么,并说出原因 Do you always a____ good grades in yuor subjects?是Do you always a____ good grades in your subjects? He's good at English.He always gets good (m ) in English.He's good at English.He always gets good (m ) in English.The boy's success (p ) his parents.The accident (o ) at five o'clock in the morning.填入( )内开头的单词.能填几个是几 我的精神自传怎么样