
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:37:05
The work should _______(not do)at once.用动词的正确形式填空 It's important for us to eat __________(health).用动词适当形式填空 英语 If he ________ harder,he will catch up with us B.studies C.will stud最好带上原因, 水蛇是两栖动物吗 30.If he __harder,he will catch up with us soon.A study B studies C will study D studied.顺便说明理由.. You may catch up with others _____ you work a little long as far as I have had great deal of trouble _____ the rest of the class.A. coming up againstB. making up forC. keeping up withD. living up to 我们的祖国迷人的风景和富饶的物产风景有什么?物产有什么?这些风景、物产在哪里? 甲鱼是不是两栖动物 甲鱼属于两栖动物吗 祖国风景(地区及名字)祖国物产(地区及名字)各十条 甲鱼是两栖动物也是鱼类吗 是不是鱼 要准确的回答? must we ____(start)the work at once ?求详细讲解 讲方法 祖国的风光和物产?短语 祖国的风光和物产(100字) now i am going to do something to get a waiter soon.拜托把里面的语法讲仔细,多 英语翻译factors that were not found to be importan for either the demand or supply side were concentration of the industry and the efficiency of the protectionist policy relative to other alternatives.行业集中度和保护政策的效果到底 英语翻译Simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach for different metrics with respect to the baseline approach where same link cost function is used without any service differentiation mechanism. 英语翻译however,course inclusion in the research was mediated by the extent to which faculty members in each major granted access to the researcher to gather data during courses they taught 另外,这个句子的句子结构怎么划分?完全看 云南元谋人处在原始社会的什么发展阶段 茅屋为秋风所破歌中最富有生活体验的句子 I have ( ) uncle 为什么 I have ___ uncle. has some coins girl in the her pures.连词成句并翻译中文 昙花一现 用英文怎么说如题 昙花一现 英文怎么说 【 】Lily has —uncle and —aunt.A,a;a B,an;an C,an;a D,a;an a great deal about the age and size of the universe.为什么用about?不用of? 或能省略吗? 选择填空:1.I have__aunt and__uncle;an;a c.a;an d.a;a2.My name is Linda Ward.Linda is my__,Ward is my__ a.given name; first name b.first name;family name c.last name; surname name; given name3.__do your parents work for?a.What a great deal about a great deal of区别一直习惯用of最近发觉有些后面加about如 a great deal about the age and size of the universe这和用of有什么区别呢? full-placement是什么意思 6.the girl ______the coener of the classroom is my sister.A)atB)inC)onD)from请问答案为什么选B呢,如有需要可以加分~