
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:20:21
could you tell me how to learn master of foreign language step by step? Peter is late ().please () next timeA:this time ,on time B:this time,be on time C:next time ,on time play baskerball 和 paly basketball game 是不是 都可以表示打篮球 paly basketball game 而也可以表示篮 I play baseketball very w什么and I paly basketball every day 读句子,排序,组成一段完整的对话.1:Thank you.See you.2:Hello.This is Mary.3:Can you come and help me with my English.4:Hi,Mary.This is Mike.What are you doing?5:I'm listning to music.6:Sure .See you later.( ) floor title 英语翻译歌词:Floorfiller Floorfiller Floorfiller Hey Mr.DJ in case you forgot I came to get down So you better make it hot 'Cuz I can't jump around when I hear Groove killers When I'm out sitting down,it's a clear Time stealer Give me a track W 英语翻译 求摘要英文翻译 (不要软件翻译)摘要:介绍了基于A189C51电源切换控制器设计方案,从硬件结构,软件编制和抗干扰措施三方面进行了详细讨论.该电源切换控制器不仅能实现工作模式,还能对控 英语翻译虽然我国的《公司法》对公司治理结构作了较为全面的规定,但由于受到各种制约因素的影响,《公司法》对公司治理结构的设计还有很多不够完善的地方,再加上民族企业自身的原因, 1011623:interestingly,some of the factors that many influence the effectiveness of virtual work are also those that affect gender equity.想知道的语言点:1—本句怎么翻译2—are also those that affect gender equity:怎么翻译 those Look at the book,it's not mine,and it's not yours,so it must be ________ .A.somebody else's If in the joint production process there are some input factors that can beif in the joint production process there are some input factors that can be shared ro utilised jointly without congestion,then there are economies of scope.RT. You can go there_____car,_____at a green light.(在横线上选择合适的单词填空) if you can go ____carA:byB:withC:onD:in we can go there by car改为否定句 my home is nearmy home is near改为一般疑问句the library is in front of the school.对 in front of the school.进行提问5分钟之内 英语翻译农村金融体系的发展和完善是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,为了使农村金融体系更好的服务于农村经济发展和建设社会主义新农村的需要,我们应构建一种多元化、适度竞争且可 Some people often throw rubbish in the street.That's bad!I think it's very important for us_____A to keep the environment clean B to be polite为什么是A Now the green light is on,s-- you can go. 英语When do you get up every morning?(根据实际情况回答)大神们帮帮忙 When du you get up every morning?的意思 万乘之国的乘是什么意思 翻译这句“致万乘之势”, 万乘之国弑其君者,必千乘之家;千乘之国弑其君者,必百乘之家.的译文万乘之国弑其君者,必千乘之家;千乘之国弑其君者,必百乘之家.万取千焉,千取百焉,不为不多矣.苟为后义而先利,不夺不 万乘之国行仁政中的乘什么意思 初一英语````急```you can gou there( )(填on或by)a bike.You needn't gou there ( )a car如上、、好的追加呐 you can go there can,bike or footyou can go there_ _ car,_ _bike or ______ foot 空的填空 一个人死前要做的最后一件事是什么? when( )you get up every morning?填什么 一个人要做什么事,怎么做可以遗臭万年. “when do you often get up every morning?"I asked Lucy怎么变为间接引语 昔乘马去,今驱万乘来!什么意思?