
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 20:45:24
人们为什么捕杀鲸鱼 英语翻译We all know that there are many pyramids in Egypt,but most of us don't know the people of Mexico in the old times also built pyramids.They did not build the pyramid for tombs.They built a pyramid and then built a temple on the top of it.T 挪威捕捉鲸鱼? 英语翻译One day a Chinese student went to study English in England.His family name is Sun.It is the same as the word “sun”.England is a country with bad weather.It is often cloudy or misty,and it rains now and again.So the people there don’ I rather than you who am to blame 的翻译 虚拟语气 是什么 对立事件AB,A-B=AB(上面横杠) 已知事件A与事件B互相对立,则AB=?A+B=?P(AB)=?P(A+B)=? 拉肚子How to say in English?How to say in Ehglish? “我无法停止拉肚子,而且一天拉5-6次”英文怎么说. 洪承畴二事 洪承畴的母亲表现出的节气,可以用一个成语来表达 虚拟语气 It was requested that the play ____again A.should put on B.would put on C.be put on D.put on 在洪承畴二事文章中,太夫人与黄石斋对洪承畴的态度本质上的共同之处是? 怎么翻译“经略洪承畴与之有旧”? 洪承畴简介一定要简洁,言简意赅,三四百字就好,一大堆的不要注意:是介绍他自己,生平事迹,其他的不要. 可能是虚拟语气 George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I'd rather he ______ more on its culture.忘了写选项了A.focus B.focused C.would focus D.had focused 求一些英语单词的说法最近是有在写文,但是,由于偶小学,所以英语不是怎么懂哎,所以求助一下各位.守护天使:(是守护别人的天使,而不是去保护天使的单词)守护恶魔:(同上)节奏奔跑 you,rather than i,am wrong.改错 几,加二笔变成什么子 尺加两笔是什么 与加两笔是什么 最早创办大学的人是孔子吗﹖ 孔子是大学问家吗 关于Rather you than me的意思Rather you than me的意思是“你行可我不行”还是“好在没让我去”还是“宁愿是你而不是我”啊? 请问谁知道大学哲学的“苏格拉底与孔子的对话”阿?具体是什么? rather you than me 文科生英语一般烂,怎么提高? would you prefer others rather than ignore must take you by me rather than follow you 是什么意must take you by me rather than follow you 除号怎么打(上面写个数字下面写个数字 中间一横的那种) 几个数字上面一横是什么意思 for和since哪个表时间段,哪个表时间点.请举例说明,时态上用法相同吗