
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:08:22
吕蒙字子明,汝南富陂人也.少南渡,依姊夫邓当.当为孙策将,数讨山越.蒙年十五六,窃随当击贼,当顾见大惊,呵叱不能禁止.归以告蒙母,母恚欲罚之,蒙曰:“贫贱难可居,脱误有功,富贵可致.旦不 hardly在句中的位置是哪里? 英语弱爆者 需要解决从句的类型、成分、区分从句类型等问题, 动物园开会,大象没在冰箱里,什么动物没来? 孩子记单词吃力,有什么好办法. 单反安装的镜头是EF-S18-55mm,f/3.5-5.还有镜头上有个标志macro是0.25m/0.8ft?佳能的 macro 4/3 系统接口的镜头是什么意思?不明白 macro表示什么镜头? macro 有这种说法吗?说法地道吗? chance有那些意思? chance是什么意思 本人今年高三,英语垃圾,除了背单词还有别的什么办法提高英语成绩吗? 如图,△ABC的高AD为3,BC为4,直线EF‖BC,交线段AB于E,交线段AC于如图,△ABC的高AD为3,BC为4,直线EF∥BC,交线段AB于E,交线段AC于F,交AD于G,以EF为斜边作等腰直角三角形PEF(点P与点A在直线EF的异侧),设EF When we do homework ,we can say.说什么 = = When we heard that,we could not s()laughing mouse什么意思? mouse的意思 (Mouse)的汉语意思是什么? mouse是什么意思 郢书燕说的解释?急啊! 郢书燕说中“国以治”的“以治”是什么意思? 爱普生高清投影机EH-TW3200如何接音箱? We don't know that we can do about it这句话有什么错误吗? 英语翻译译成汉语(不要用翻译软件)1.Tommy apologizes to his parents for his bad manners.2.When he saw the old woman,he offered his seat to her immediately.3.Our company has become a leader in fashion in the world.4.The old lady bought a ..Can you help me 物距【u】:物体到透镜的距离焦距【f】:光心到焦点的距离焦距×2【2f】:2倍光心到焦点的距离这个我知道..主要这个表格我还是不明白...物距与焦距的关系:u>2f 2f>u>f u 下面这句话属于什么从句,应该怎样分析,这句话怎样翻译When it comes to that duality Mr.Downey is elliptical, but there is no mistaking that beneath all that allcgorical talk there is the beating heart of a ferociously ambitious a What can kids do that we can't do as adult? Thanks a lot.——You're welcome.写出同义句--Thank you____________ _________.--That's___________ ___________. 郢书燕说译文!急用! 郢书燕说 译文 郢书燕说译文!急用! 根据首字母填空.Do you like the h---- of the talk show?