
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:45:30
有的人 中虽死如生的人物 “真正的英雄”是怎样的人与真正的英雄一文结合回答 失败人士的共同特点!如题 一个畜牧场卖出肉牛头数8分之3,还剩250头.这个畜牧场原有肉牛多少头?用方程,关系式 如何理解“人是历史的剧作者,又是历史的剧中人”?最好有具体的例子如何理解“人是历史的剧作者,又是历史的剧中人”?最好有具体的例子. 英语翻译比较得体即可 格物致知是谁提出的? 格物致知是谁提出来的程朱理学中的.格物致知.是谁提出来的,是二程还是朱熹. The couple enjoy the____ of country life very much.(隐私) 关于in case of 的翻译原句为:in case of the mounting D with detent a maximum supply time of 2 sec is needed.句中的in case of具体是什么意思,是只有D安装方式呢,还是除去D安装方式呢,请指教 英语改错A couple from another country was once visiting Miami. “灭九族”里的“九族”指什么? 株连九族指哪九族 请比较分析社会主义革命和社会主义建设的异同点拜托…现在在考毛概 分别用thread,round,narrow,price,live,tower,dwarf造句.(动词造一个,名词造一个) at a ……(便宜的)price造句,初一上册水平 act 的短语有哪些? 《论语·阳货》阳货说服孔子做的是什么官?阳货(1)欲见孔子,孔子不见,归孔子豚(2).孔子时其亡(3)也,而往拜之,遇诸涂(4).谓孔子曰:“来!予与尔言.”曰:“怀其宝而迷其邦(5),可谓仁乎?”曰: Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it. life is an onion and one cries while peeling it求翻译 life is an onion中is 为什么不用were,不是虚拟么 翻译,通顺一些的翻译 It is afternoon now,and I am sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. 英语翻译 吉林省有哪些大型牧场,奶牛或者肉牛,1000头以上的规模.有联系人和电话 Five Blus 翻译成汉语又是什么 数独, there are five knifes 翻译中文是什么意思 37.The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism __ the wildlife in the area.A in B on C at D with为啥选C?打错了……是“为什么选A”? The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism ________ the wildlife in the area.A.in B.on C.at D.with p2 10 the conference has been held to discuss the () of tourism () the wildlife in the areaa affect inb effort onc effect ond afford in选哪个为什么? The conference is being held to discuss the effects of tourism on the wildlife in the area.为什么用on 1.The meeting was held to discuss the effects of tourism in the wildlife in the area.改错