
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:43:40
中国历代历史名人? When are you going to tell the bad news to Mike?( )he comes back 用所给词的适当形式填空:I will tell her the news when she___to see me nest week.(come) 翻译:今天上午你一直呆在家里吗? 请英语高手回答一下“I really want to know _____.”A.what is wrong with my brother B.how will he go to Beijing tomorrowC.if had he bought the carD.where did he go yesterday i really want to know请问这句话是什么意思? I really really want to know,谢谢------ 会给好评.I really really want to know,谢谢------会给好评. I really really want to know, the man is of great cost to me .这句话为什么要加 cost?the man is a threat to me 这里为毛没有of 呢 这两个词不都是名词么 He has ------ work to do today that she can't come to the party.a.too much b.so many c.so much d.to many请问这个题选择哪一个,为什么?求这几个的具体用法? she invited him ____the party 1.to 2.for 3.come to 4.to come I suppose she will come to the party.I ___ ___ she ____ come to the party.同义句 interest interested 和interesting的区别和用法 . Our liability in respect of the delivery of the Goods shall be limited to the excess of the cost to the Customer of similar goods to replace those not delivered over the price of the Goods. less cost of goods sold 什么是 cost of goods available for sale 已售出的商品,是 THE SOLD GOODS,还是THE GOODS SOLD? 能解释一下销货成本公式如何理解?为什麼Cost of goods sold=Opening inventory+(Purchases+Carriage inwards-Returns outwards)-Closing inventory 请问谁有保护树木的标语(要排比句的) 像“在我们心目中,您是天使,您是大树,您是海洋”的排比句 形容花草树木的排比句.三句就行!急 定重谢!路过的请给本人想出个吧 我想要描写一个物的排比句 不是好多物 三句就行不用太长! 有关描写大树的声音的排比句吗 行容树木的排比句 He doesn't think she will pass the exam,是does he 含万 诗句快给点, 大家知道的来写一写.带有万的诗句, I don't really don't want to know 怎么翻译啊 I really want to rape you,you will 学完新概念英语,出来后是什么水平=高中水平, 《晏子使楚》其中一句“春秋末期,齐国和楚国都是大国.”从中看出谁赢了,为什么? 在春秋末期,齐国和楚国都是大国.有一回,齐王派大夫晏子去访问楚国.楚王仗着自已国势强盛,想乘机侮 大树的成长过程它是从什么阶段长到什么阶段,要经历多少时间?