
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:48:17
今有下列仪器:铁架台、铁圈、三脚架、烧杯、漏斗、石棉网、酒精灯、玻璃棒、量筒、蒸发皿、火柴.从缺乏必要的仪器和用品的角度考虑,不能进行的分离操作是 ( )A.过滤 B.升华 C. 英语翻译是歌词 the rating had to work all night and the next day they complained of lack_______sleep.中间填啥? They go to work d the day and rest at night.d后面是什么? They all work day and night in high s_____Let's go to the c______ this Sunday.A very good film will be on there.The d_____between my mothert and my father lasted a long time.It was mainly about my study.Chen Zhonghe,the coach Chinese women volleyball 英语翻译New blood joins this earthAnd quikly he's subduedThrough constant pain disgraceThe young boy learns their rulesWith time the child draws inThis whipping boy done wrongDeprived of all his thoughtsThe young man struggles on and on he's know 什么是“阈值”啊 什么是阈值? 焦化厂为什么要对焦炉煤气进行精制? 焦炉煤气能提炼什么?焦油、苯、硫胺、煤气、 还能提炼什么?我们这边有个焦化厂!我想在附近上个项目~大家给提个建议~ 为什么高气压带一般会少雨?我们都知道高气压控制的区域少雨, 高气压是? 英语翻译On Friday,the dollar dropped against major currencies,which limited the drop of the new front-month contract这句话怎么翻? 阈值是什么意思? 在生理学 在遥感中阈值是什么意思在监督或非监督分类后为什么要进行图像处理 when i think of you my heart sings a little love song求中文意思 photoshop中 When i think of you ,my beart singsWhen i think of you ,my beart sings alittle love song.求翻译,急需 You know I love you,I'm thinking of you when we apart 这歌词的歌名是什么?小说《再见 如果真的再见》里面提到的这个歌曲的歌名. When I said I love you,I meant it from the bottom of my heart.如题 请翻译 为什么要对焦炉煤气进行初步冷却? 外语翻译句子And ,of course. 英语翻译怎么翻译这句话:有一个房子在海的东南方向36公里处 怎样正确使用体温计?我每次量了都甩不下35度,每次量到多少就停在那里了,怎么甩都不行,到底怎么做才量得对, 体温计的正确使用方法是什么 40*15*30的缸用多大功率的过滤合适?是40*20*30 样草的鱼缸。 请问高手1米的草缸该如何配置,养七彩神仙鱼的我的缸1米长40宽60高,我用伊罕的2228外置过滤桶,其他的请高手配置,包括水草品种,是否使用沉木,越详细越好.其他配置也是越详细越好.谢谢包括 happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive How are you doing?all the fans from china..I truly wish you all the happiness in the world and I It ________ quite correct that happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive way.为什么填 has turned out 而不用被动 求翻译