
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:54:51
You need't meet him.和You don't need meet him. 英语翻译If a body meet a bodyComin thro the rye,If a body kiss a body,Need a body cry?请翻译抱歉,蛮想知道这英文的意思的。希望你们好好回答!就当训练吧! 英语翻译:Language learning without enough reading can't meet the need of one's study. Don't _____ to ask me if you need any help. You can ask for help whenever you need it 的同义句是什么 1.Don't_______afraid______ask for help if you need it _Thanks a lotA、be;to B、be;of.C,/,to2.-Have you been to Taipei?-Yes,I _______three ten years ago.A.live.B.have been.C.lived3.-Do you think ______she's going to agree_____our suggestion or not 1.六位数#2009#能被45整除,则这个六位数是_____或______.急, 六位数□2009□能被45整除,则这个六位数是多少?(要思考过程) You may have this item in the past in a different form of packaging but this time need remailer boxremailer box In the face of danger ,we need to stay _____.Only in this way _____ come up with good solutionsA still;we can B quiet; can we C calm;can we D silent;we can This painting is splendid,but( )we actually need it is a different matterA that B what C whether D how 选哪个 英语老师讲评的时候选A 然后我说C 她说不能选C 叫我别看百度的.给理由 选什么 三峡一文中作者为什么不安春夏秋冬四季的顺序依次描写江水 请问,满足人们的需要meet human's need 中need要加s吗? They prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.They__this kind of fruit ___ ___that kind 一个四位数2□□5能被45整除,则符合这个条件的四位数共有____个 已知x2011y能整除45,求所有满足条件的六位数. 合并成含有定语从句的复合句:I can't stand this kind of music.It's too noisy must和need的过去式是什么? 合成含有定语从句的复合句The singers write their own music.I love them. 改为含定语从句的复合句The driver of the bus is Rod.He bought a red car last year.The driver of the bus____ ____ a red car last year is Rod. 合并成含非限制性定语从句的主从复合句:Beanar Shaw died in 1950.He wrote a lot of plays. 求8年级上册的语文课本所有的文言文和课后古诗我没很多分了 春朱自清全文 求 朱自清的《春》全文 仿写朱自清的春 (全文)一定是自己写的全文,不要抄的!如果好的话,可以写夏 朱自清《春》全文可分为___、___、___三部分 W:but i'll have to charge you 150 pounds for the night .M:what?i should get a discount for the inconvenience 英语对话有关青春的含义 听力里听出来的 没有原文 我听得大概是这样 可能catch a check count有差错 ----I'd like to catch a check.May I borrow your pen?----Sure,don't you have a count here?问这对话在哪发生?[A] At the bank.[B] In the department sto one of the men present held the view that what the book said was right. One of the men held the view that what the book said was right.一个从句中能用两个连词吗?个人认为应该把that去掉,有人赞同不. 英语从句 one of the men held the view()the book said was right中间填that what 为什么不能用that which ,the book said 后面不是缺少宾语吗?which不是可以引导物吗?