
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 04:57:16
ten years had elpased,i found she had a few white hair&much white hairs.为什么选第一个? Ten years had passed,I found she had___.A:a little white hair B:a white head of haTen years had passed,I found she had___.A:a little white hair B:a white head of hairs C:a few white hairs D; much white hair请解释所有选项,并特别解释B选 42.The train _________ for twenty minutes.  A.left B.has left C.is leaving D.has been away43.– How many books _____ they ________?  -- Five.But they haven’t finished reading even one.A.did…borrow B.had…borrowed C.will…borrow D.do… 52..The train _________ for twenty minutes.  A.leftB.has leftC.is leavingD.has been away The train is starting in five minutes.和The train is going to start in five minutes一样意思的吗? t was ten minutes before she was found lying in bed _______a book.空格可以填read 她已经离开这里10分钟了 She ( ) ( ) ( ) from here ( ) ten minutes. The weather is about 39%.People feel _____ (comfortable) He is able to axplain the ______(原因) because he was there at that time. We couldn't a___ a new computer because we were very poor at that time. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ____you______(miss) your parents?Let's_____(go) to the Great Wall now.I am ___(send) an email to my family in China.There are lots of ______(shoe) and _______(clothes) in my room.Is there Chinese______(dance)? 用快速消解法做COD,稀释倍数不同为什么会有比较大的差异?对于同一个水样,稀释10倍和20倍之后,测出的COD值相差几百, 熊不是国家保护动物吗?为什么还有人吃熊掌啊 涣熊是保护动物吗? 北极熊是几级保护动物 英语同义句转换急求It takes him twenty minutes clean the classroom. don't look out of the classroom什么意思?look out不是 小心 谁知道英语句子It takes him twenty minutes clean the classroom.这句话错没错!原句意是他花20分钟打扫教室 I have always loved you,but you do not know 怎样测定活性污泥的增长曲线 促使活性污泥丝状膨胀的环境因素有哪些? 连词成句:1.say,again,don't,and,it,again!2.you,study,miss,do,when,your,abroad,parents,you?3.like,help,to,me,I‘d,you,for,come,to.这三个连词成句咱连啊 急 熊是国家的保护动物吗 我想学英语口语,但是我的英语底子不错,我就是想补补我的英语口语 求《儒林外史》.《平凡的世界》《汤姆叔叔的小屋》读后心得最少200字,最好300字要心得 每篇都要 我快没什么时间了 小弟没看过请那些看过的兄弟帮忙好的我可以+多50分 狼心狗肺是什么含义,出自哪一个典故? 狼心狗肺的人是什么意思 狼心狗肺是什么意思 请问 缺心少肺和狼心狗肺的意思一样吗我的理解是缺心少肺就是烦心事不会过夜的那种人,是个中性词;狼心狗肺就是说没有良心,是个贬义词.可是有人认为两个词差不多是一个意思……请问 How many books have they read this week?____A.NothingB.NoneC.No oneD.No many为什么? 英语翻译蒲公英的英文是?翻译句子:一阵风来了把蒲公英吹散了.这就是蒲公英的死亡. 康有为 梁启超,谭嗣同的变法思想戊戌变法中,这三人的变法思想是什么?